Arthal sighed walking up in front of the others he cleared his throat and spoke. "Sadly we won't have time to look deeper into the building for it's secret's. We will be using this as our base between missions, our first mission will be to the land of dragons to retrieve a piece of darkness their." He told gesturing them to crowd around a table in living space. He rolled out a map of the area they would be landing in. "Here's where the gate exit's, we will be using old warp gates to travel, though with their age we probably need to give them days to recharge between trips." He showed them they would be exiting near the royal palace. "Supposedly Keyblade warriors had a good reputation here and got to build their gate here beside the palace." He sighed rubbed his head. "Problem is we don't if that's changed much since the war. We could be hated or loved, more they likely they probably just be wary." He sat the black orb down on the map, it pulsed gently now humming softly as it did. "I'll be using the orb to guide us towards the piece though the shard with it's extreme power could in a weapon or person. It could even have become it's own monster, if the orb fails us... Follow the heartless, they will always lead you to greater darkness." He sighed packing it all up straightening his clothes. He looked towards warp room and summon his keyblade, lifting it a keyhole appear on the portal. "I'll be heading through first to get our bearings. Follow when ready, be sure you have anything you might need from here, we won't be back for several days." He finished a beam hitting the keyhole sudden the our burst into light and they could see the grand palace in the land of dragons. "I'll see you on the other side my friends." Waved the Elf before stepping forward reaching out when his hand touch the light he vanished. The orb and map safely in his bag before he'd departed.