[@Classpet] Abby cocked an eyebrow as Cammila revealed her full name. It was an odd name - certainly not one that sounded like it came from her world. "I'm Abby," she said, not bothering with a last name. "Are you from this place?" As the younger girl played with a fancy looking ring, Abby turned her attention to jewelry, as well. The store had a wide variety of the stuff available, some of which looked like something she might buy an a department store, and other pieces that featured a more archaic design. A pendant shaped like a sword hung at the end of one silvery necklace, its hilt adorned with a tiny amethyst. Abby tried it on, looking in the mirror. Light gleamed off the small gemstone, sharply contrasting her dark clothing. Abby pocketed it. "I wonder what other shops are around here," she said, choosing a few other pieces of jewelry. She frowned at the little girl who seemed so pleased to be shadowing her. Would the child stay once she saw Abby's true nature - her desire to test the boundaries no matter what situation she found herself in? In this world, stealing was pointless, because everything was free... but surely there would be other rules to break. Clearly, she wasn't the only visitor in this world - what would happen if she tried to sow confusion among the others, to make them believe the entity that brought them here was up to something malevolent? A sly smile crossed Abby's face at the notion; the results could be hilarious!