[@tobiax] I'm asking for specifics, what can be categorized as a 'Favored Enemy/Systemic Foe'... And yep, true damage, let's see if 2 Royal Knight features are worth spending max Generation on, or if I can retrain... I am deeply in protest against this lack of...proportionality in Family bonuses. I understand Vitality and Wisdom represent important quantities that should be limited in scope, except I notice the hypocrisy in having 1 Vitality family and none for Wisdom. Also some of the obviously inferior stats (Agility, Cunning) each have 2 families with 5*, isn't that just a waste? Furthermore your apparent taste in Giga Cannon spam (you cannot deny the resemblance energy system makes with WoW type games) for families that don't just rely on ranged attacks (though I concede the majority of powerful attacks in Digimon ARE ranged), leads me to believe little forethought and much whim has been given to write this mess. If you're going to encourage players to multi family for stats and features, then for crying out loud, BALANCE THE STATS OUT CORRECTLY!!! Unless there is approval to change whatever needs to be edited and patched in your RP System, I will be severely disappointed in your indifference and lack of redress, and may just drop out of this game.