[i][color=a187be]Sardines can only keep a girl company for so long...[/color][/i] Picking up the bottle of Metro-Mint® water from her nightstand, Lyn took a deep swig. A moment later she reacted with a spastic cough, trying to clear her airways of water that did not belong. Recapping the bottle, Lyn headed over to one of the few terminals in her abode; A personal computer containing nothing but her small journals, dating back to her arrival at this safehouse. Gliding her tongue across velvet lips, Lyn casually plopped into the egg-shaped chair, cracking her knuckles. [color=00a651]Day 8: The environment inside this observation post is starting to drag on my spirits, thinking of paying a visit to the girls. Of course I am going to get swarmed as soon as I come out, so best take my [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHy5ep_Tt8Q]Stinger[/url] for security. It's like they just know who you are, they don't even need to see your full face, they just know. I'll give them a hug or half hug before moving on, and those who truly need me will follow me, which is interesting due to human nature based... Eh, another subject for another time. Heading down now.[/color] Bounding from her chair, Lyn padded over to the side of her bed to retrieve her shoes. Slipping them onto her feet, she squeaked back and forth a few times on the shinning metal floor before heading towards the exit, a ladder descending into a hole that was barely lit via uranium lights. She paused for a moment to slide on today's disguise, a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/55/b4/e6/55b4e62db141ae5c42e941154528f94a.jpg]baggy hoodie[/url] and a [url=http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0385/6229/products/LIGHT_UP_CYBORG_FUTURISTIC_MASK_LED_ROBOT_HELMETS-LightUpEQ_1024x1024_1024x1024_ca8ac707-59fd-4225-9ee7-f07da280d757_1024x1024.jpg?v=1450420733]face enclosing mask[/url] that responded to her voice, accompanied with a built-in digitizer for vocal masking.Descending into the metal tube, Lyn began her journey down through the concrete walls of the base. There was a small, elaborate maze inside the concrete walls of the facility, but Lyn had memorized the simplest and quickest path to arrive at the most concealed exit, buying her a bit of room to compose herself before being swarmed by the crowds of girls wanting to see her. Though few had seen her face, Lyn tried to wear the same outfits that she featured on the GMG's propaganda. While this opened her up to possible assassination attempts, it still concealed her identity while allowing her to provide a moral boost to the girls, letting them know: They are not alone. [i][color=a187be]They are not alone.[/color][/i] Finishing her trek through the dingy walls, Lyn found herself under some floorboards in a section of the base. One board had been unscrewed for access to the underbelly, and was pushed up with no effort for Lyn. She found herself in a maintenance closet, shelves along the walls that where lined with cleaning supplies and other necessities to maintain the base. Brushing off the dust and debris from her journey, Lyn took in a deep breath before exiting the floor. Noticing a can of cherry air freshener on one of the walls, Lyn gave herself a quick spray; A wonderful cherry scent falling over her, which was strong, yet not [i]too[/i] strong. Firmly grasping the handle to the next room, she cracked open the door, a dull light invading the closet. Lyn had actually only memorized the the passageway from a map, not where it led, and was now looking out into the medical clinic where a young doctor was taking inventory. [color=f49ac2]"Hmmmm... we're running low on Oxymorphoe."[/color] [b][color=1b1464]"Supplement with Meperidine. Plenty on hand, Almost as good. Causes cramping in the younger ones, supplement with Dantrolene."[/color][/b] The nurse whipped around, gawking. [b][color=1b1464]"As for the implant rejection you were talking about last week, why not try Axylonine? Cenozine is the catalyst. Binds to genetic markers. Hard to find, expensive to mass produce. Why not Heplacore?- Too unstable, inconsistent results. Demozane is a better option. No, no, Demozane is toxic to those with specific modifications, not an option, not an option. Dyhodrix is fine, causes a bit of a dry mouth, but that can be easily fixed with water."[/color][/b] The nurse stood speechless as The Thinker strolled towards the exit of the clinic. The mysterious girl exited into the complex, beginning her journey through the corridors of the base, wondering what new surprises the girls had for her today.