[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/chalk-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Little%20Myst%20&name=StaleMarker.ttf&size=100&style_color=8AB1EB[/img][/url][/center] As the youngest of the pack, Little Myst's was consumed with fear of the world around her. Yet, she was excited as any curious child on how powerful the creatures were. She knew little of the outside, it was just a few weeks ago, she had left the comfort of the den, starving after the disappearance of her mother. Thankfully, she was discovered and taken in by the passing pack. Even though she was of Lycan blood, she was still had the risk of getting sick as any pup would. Though Msyt could hardly keep up as the leading she-wolf bounded across the blanket of snow, down the slope. The young pup trotted behind, stretching her short limps to keep up pace. This sudden adventure had carried her beyond the confines of the den, her birth place, and as she peered at the looming trees pasting the pack, her very first taste of the outside world thrilled the young pup to the morrow. Rayne approached the young one, the woman was always friendly towards her. As the role of healer, Rayne often checked up on her. Msyt barked agitatedly at the healer until she left her paws no longer touching the wet ground, picked up by the back of the neck and grew limp. The air around the was so cold that it seemed the sky itself would crack like ice. Myst hoped they're new home was close, her stomach was growling with hungry. The pack pushed through a clearing, the area was surrounded by forest on roughly three sides of misshapen circle. The forest was dense but maneuverable, the large tree tops providing ample shade around the edge of the old cabins. Once they had stop, once she was set down by the beauitful she-wolf.The pup plopped down onto the snow. Her muzzle often tilting toward the ground and her chest expanding considerably with each inhalation as she scented the carpet-like snow. Though it was obvious the pup was having difficulty tracking the source buried underneath the snow, her enthusiasm never waned. Myst did not have enough energy to transform like her older friends. Still learning herself, shifting was a bit of a difficult task and much more to remain in human form.