Tower over mankey suddenly was a huge stone entity. It gazed at the mankey that looked so insignificant to it and raised a crude arm before throwing it's shoulder into a tackled. The mankey grabbed the shoulder but was still thrown a distance back. Keeping it careful he used his detect on the nosepass as it carefully studied the mankey and it's trainer. Khuda seemed extremely well in sync. It was almost like they had a telekinetic communication, as neither spoke a word, but they both knew just what the other wanted. The mankey dashed forward, his detect working to escape a rock tomb, but at he hit with a tackle then a series of comet punches, they didn't seem to do as much damage as he expected. Something was off. Khuda knew what was wrong. He had worn himself out so much that the feiry rage that kept him fighting was starting to flare out. A pokemon could only fight so hard before it got fatigued, and her mankey was reaching that point. She didn't know what to do. This was her only chance, and without another pokemon she was doomed. Sighing, her confidence left her completely. She watched him finish the combo with a low kick that just wasn't enough to tip the Goliath rock. He was smacked back to her with a tackle and she sprayed a potion on his wounds. The mankey looked to her and nodded, only to watch the nosepass. It seemed to be getting stronger. That was when roxanne butted in. "Just as I thought. With you mankey as exhausted as it is, harden just sealed the deal. I supposed there's no hope for you now" She said before khuda clenched her fist and shouted in anger. "Shut up! We'll show you! We don't need nothing but grit and fighting spirit! Right mankey" The mankey let out a bellow, before charging in. Roxanne sighed and ordered a rock throw, but was surprised to see another detect in place. Nothing more than the sound of the patter of mankey's feet and their strikes hitting or landing on the ground. Bouncing around, dodging, jumping and majestically moving, mankey struck as many times and as hard as he could in every opening he could see before jumping away just in time to miss a devastating hit. He was slowing however, and his strikes seemed in vain. He was too tired for more comet punches, and his scratches and low kicks seemed to do almost nothing. Finally, he grew tired and jumped back. As soon as he did, he was hit with another rock tomb. Khuda knew he was done for. He couldn't take a blow like that, especially after taking all of his energy out in that last breath. Roxanne giggled a bit. "I knew that'd do the trick, and what's more...I think it was much more powerful than my last" Khuda's eyes suddenly lit up. She knew what was about to happen. "I don't know the power of true fight spirit!" She shouted just as her mankey burst out of it's imprisonment. It's eyes lit with red, every exaggerated movement it took had a fading after image from the color of red in his eyes. It glared at the nosepass, who gave an expression of true terror. Roxannae had to take a double take. How could he still be up? Khuda knew what had happened. Mankey was unconscious, her hit had been enough to defeat her pokemon. It was running on nothing more than hatred and desire incarnated into a new sentience. He was nothing more than a beast now, a true berserker. She knew nothing she said would matter at this point. On all fours it dashed as fast as the mankey was capable, hitting the nose pass with a tackle. It didn't do much, but the nosepass budged a bit. Roxanne had suddenly kept her cool. "Heh, looks like you forgot about my harden. Nosepass is practically impenetrable by now" She said with false confidence. Khuda smirked. "Just wait and see! I'll show you the power of a true pokemon trainer! Enkidu! Pour your heart and soul into it!" She cheered as she watched her pokemon real both hands back and begin a series of comet punches as hard as he could. Again they struck, creating a series of blurs, leaving small cracks after a while. The Nosepass let out a bellow before khuda put her hands at her side, knowing what was to come. The finisher. Throwing an uppercut into the air in excitement she let her mankey finish, just like they had practiced. "Low kick!" Roxanne's eyes opened in awe. She watched the savage beast before her, foam around it's mouth, eyes like the devil himself, grab the nosepass and pull him into a kick at his stubby legs. The rock-type fell to the ground, fainted. She brought it back to it's pokeball, only to see mankey fall over as well. Roxanne looked down. "I'm sorry, but if you have no pokemon to continue, technically I am not allowed to give you this badge. Please, tell me you have another, any, It would be a shame to see such a display go to waste. Khuda looked to her companions. "My ralts! Do you have it?"