-Character sheet- Name: Jade dragnelian Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/be5c33ff6d462c84db35244d683eb5b3/http://i383.photobucket.com/albums/oo271/tomboy823/anime%20girls/tomboy/rukiaoutfit72.jpg[/img] Race: Dragonborn Personality: Lighthearted and just as stubborn as Arson. She looks for the best in everyone and quite the negotiator. She picks her words carefully and is very sly when needed though when she's distracted she loses that ability. Though she doesn't hold grudges she never forgets it whether it be good or bad. Quick minded and can think on impulse what needs to happen when in dire need. Likes: People, fighting, festivals, new things, and magic.(Doesn't have to be too much if you want to be mysterious. Just at least three) Hates: Pointless lethal fighting, staying stagnate, indoors, water.(Doesn't have to be too much if you want to be mysterious. Just at least three.) Background: Jade remembers very few memories of her childhood before Arson but the ones she does were always happy. She remembers the Dragon black as night and yet seem to shine in the light. It had big Amber eyes and breathed fire which was also black. She remembers sliding down its back and snuggling up with it for warmth in colder nights. Her favorite memory was when it took her on a ride through the sky on her back. It was twilight and had a hard time telling if she was up or down nothing through the clouds. She would do almost anything to have that feeling one more time. After the "incident" she likes to call it, she wasn't necessary unhappy but world seem to lose a bit of magic and became less colorful. He taught her his work but was resistant and stubborn about learning it. She found it more entertaining to play with the things he made. When she was old enough Arosn took her to a festival in Somiar and the world seem to regain its lost magic. There was colors and people everywhere, chatting, bartering, playing, and much more. She often snuck away from Arson to go play with other children or learn more about fighting through watching others. As she grew older a few kind souls began teaching her moves and styles till she was trained enough to develop her own fighting style. You can often find her either training or in the shop though there are the occasions where she has some fun. Magic: She can create and wield fire at will. What makes it special is that it's black flames and it works slightly different. It would burn you like a normal fire but is cooler than normal fire, though where it really gets its power from is the massive pain it inflicts on people. She is also is very resistant to fire than most races though it can still burn her, though she is completely immune to the effects of her own corresponding the potential burns. She is extremely nimble and has the ability to significantly increase her power for a short amount of time. Unfortunately this comes with a price and exhausted and out of energy to use magic. This ability also creates what one would call a shell of armor around her resembling a dragon. Her swords also amplify her powers but limit her to short ranged to melee attacks, which she finds a plus for her. Weapon: Two enchanted blades that can wield fire, though instead they simply just boost her magic. Profession: Swordwoman, blacksmith, and a clerk for the shop. Are you new to Somiar? Or have you been living here for a while?- Like Arson he lives in the mountains with him and comes down to help him with the shop. Now I shall look for pics and spelling corrections.