While eating the last bite of muffin, and sipping on whatever coffee was left in his cup, Cyrus heard Arthal's announcement and almost immediately proceeded to tense up. Though he tried not to show it, it wasn't hard to see in his reaction that the man had reservations about going to the Land of Dragons. Still, he finished his coffee and silently made his way to where the gate was so he could follow Arthal. Moments before that Azazel greeted him with a silent wave and Cyrus returned the favor. "The Land of Dragons... last I heard their former Dynasty had all but crumbled into warring factions. Something about the Emperor dying and there being no heir to inherit his throne." Cyrus said aloud to anyone who cared enough to listen. Unfortunately, that was as much as he said before starting to clam up and saying nothing more on the matter. Again, it wouldn't take a genius to see that there was something about the affair that Cyrus wasn't telling them. "In any case, I've visited the Land of Dragons before so I imagine you'll be needing me so we don't lose our way." he said with a short sigh that made him sound none-too-excited about the trip, "And, yes, they're sure to be wary of us. The war hasn't exactly been kind to their world." Unable to put it off any longer, he took a reluctant step through the warp gate. It was time to face one of the dark chapters of his past. [i]How many years has it been?[/i] He asked himself mentally. [i]Six? Seven? Either way, things are about to get... complicated.[/i]