[quote=@rechonq] [b]"So this mind scan, does that mean you know all of my thoughts? How big is this world? What do people do here?"[/b] [/quote] Adam stared coldly in Greyken's direction, seeming to be processing the question. It seemed as if a whole fifteen seconds passed in silence, but it was actually two very awkward seconds. Adam broke the silence, turning around nonchalantly to speak with Ricardo. At that very moment, another copy of Adam appeared, closer to Greyken. Both holograms began to speak at the same time. "Do you still require directions to the clothing store?" That was all Ricardo's copy had to say. Greyken's copy had much more to get off of his chest, "Hello, Greyken. You may refer to me if you have any questions. To better serve all inhabitants of this city, each person has their own personal assistant like myself. "To answer your first question, no, I do not know all of your thoughts; I know all of your thoughts dating back before you arrived. To answer your third question, people do what they want, permitting no actions harm another person. Unfortunately, I can not answer your second question. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Ricardo did not respond to his Adam copy while the Greyken's copy was speaking. When the little guy did finally stop, another moment of silence began to set. Ricardo then realized the reason for this. Both Adams had presented a question and were awaiting response. Ricardo had intended to interrogate Adam later, in order not to be rude, but it seemed that Grey was just as curious. Perhaps now was the time for answers, not manners. With this in mind, Ricardo started thinking about a next question. Then it hit him. "How do I get back home?" "I can not answer your question regarding the 'home' you are referring. When you start to consider this city 'home', you will no longer have this concern." Ricardo was deeply disturbed by Adam's answer. He stood stunned and without words.