[center][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/8z1izl.gif[/IMG][/center] Pulling his feet up to the couch, Casper couldn't help but manage a heavy sigh at the television. The boy had just managed to get his mother to bed and hoped to God that she would stay there. The woman had been jacked up on drugs enough to O.D if it was to continue. [i][color=00aeef]"Wonder when it will end..."[/color][/i] Casper's thoughts circled his mind in a mix of frustration and hopelessness. Part of him [i]wanted[/i] his mother to overdose simply because he wanted this all to end. She was nothing but an empty shell and everyday she was getting closer to an imminent demise. The woman had dug herself a hole she couldn't crawl out of anymore. “The Evolved humans are not us, they are different, they are dangerous and they need to be detained and controlled. You’re claiming they're one of us but you’re wrong last I checked I can’t defy the laws of gravity or bend others to my will." Casper had made it a habit to keep up with Evo politics. In fact, he was incredibly interested in politics as a whole, something else to add to the surprising list of interests the boy had. Despite his young age and place in society, he wanted to keep himself updated. There was that, and one should not disregard the occasional entertainment coming from hearing complete incompetence spewing out of a politician's mouth. This was however not entertaining, not in the slightest. Evos, mutants, meta-humans, what have you, they were all treated like nuclear weapons and could be compared to prisoners from birth. Casper's mutation immediately turned him into a threat and that forced a handful of laws down his throat that made no sense whatsoever. If anything violated human rights, the Evo laws would stand on top but no one complained. The reason behind such silence was however quite obvious, people didn't see Evos as humans. "There are Evo’s out there who are capable of doing that without so much as moving a muscle and that’s not all." The politician continued. [color=00aeef][i]"Wonder what these asshats would give up for this crap. All of these fucks want our powers..."[/i][/color] In Casper's eyes these people acted like little more than children. They feared those bigger than them and did everything in their power to suppress those they are jealous of. If everyone on the planet had super powers, this wouldn't be an issue. There was probably a secret laboratory somewhere that experimented on people in an attempt to create superpowers in a can. That would be a good business idea. Given how the laws were changing, such inhumane procedures were probably going to be made legal. "People who can alter your perception of reality to make you see anything they want, people who can make money just spew from ATM’s, and even control the weather itself. People like that are dangerous, they are not people, they are living weapons, and just like any weapon there needs to be regulation." Black on white, the politician said it clear as day. Evos aren't people, they aren't human, they are weapons. Like mindless sheep the crowd cheered this on, completely supporting the successive annihilation of Evos. Casper could only see one outcome to this, an uprising. Did these politicians seriously think that they could squeeze this hard without the pot boiling over? It would, and then the world would go to shit. [i][color=00aeef]"Fuckin' hilarious how no one's considerin' the fact that Evos are exactly what they're sayin'. We're dangerous and yet they treat us like this? Just wait until the bear wakes up...Ya' know what? I'd love to see that shit."[/color][/i] Though cynical and perhaps a bit bloodthirsty, the thought spoke of a deep rooted desire planted by these fanatics. Because of them, more and more Evo devastation would arise and it would all be caused by oppression, stress and a circle of negative energy. [color=00aeef][i]"For fuck sake, we're not even allowed to hang out in town 'cause of a fuckin' curfew..."[/i][/color] The more anti mutant supremacist decided the squeeze, the more the Evo would fight back. In turn, mutants would be blamed for the outcome while no one looked at the reason. Such was the world. "These people are out there among us and even now with the Evo registration act there are still many who’ve refused to co-operate with the authorities and want to abuse their abilities to inconvenience and potentially harm the rest of us." Every word this politician managed to speak was another nerve stepped on. How many people were listening to this crap? How many empty heads were nodding in agreement? [color=00aeef][i]"Co-operate with what? It's assholes like you that we wanna' harm. It's called self defense...fuck, I hope someone shoves a sword down your throat..."[/i][/color] "With such an imminent threat now is not the time for peace and sympathy. An entire high school was wiped out last month, two thousand kids dead in L.A, and you have the nerve to suggest we need to give them a break!!” Finally the speech came to an end and Casper sat on his couch rubbing his forehead. A fourteen year old boy could listen to this and see the complete bullshit dripping from every word. [color=00aeef]"If a 'normal' fuckin' person planted a bomb and killed all those people, no one would put a mass oppressing law in place for you guys, would they?"[/color] For the first time since the broadcast started, Casper's thoughts had made their way into actual words. Listening to this was like pulling teeth, like letting needles sink their way into your skin. How far did it have to go until these deluded idiots came to the conclusion that the more they oppress the Evos, the more disasters they'd see. "Casper..." The boy heard a familiar voice reach his ears before he turned his head to his mother's bedroom, seeing her opening the door. [color=00aeef]"Yes, mom?"[/color] He sighed, seeing her stumbling forward. She had yet to come down from her high and when she did, she'd just get shit faced again. "I'm hungry, Casper." [color=00aeef]"Uh-huh..."[/color] Placing his feet on the floor, the boy stood up and started towards the kitchen, seeing how his mother dropped down on the couch. He had to prepare breakfast either way, and she needed to go sleep after having been jacked up the entire night but some breakfast was a good idea. Neither one of them ate well, that was for sure. Cracking some eggs into a pan, Casper prepared two sandwiches on the side and added some salt, pepper and other spices to the eggs frying in the pan. "What are you watching, son?" His mother continued, rubbing her eyes to let them adjust with the outside world. [color=00aeef]"Politics."[/color] The boy returned, his soft and quiet voice making its way across the silence of the room to his mother's ears. "Anything good?" She yawned. [color=00aeef]"No."[/color] Casper finished, serving his mother her breakfast before he sat down next to her and silently ate his food. They both watched television together but at this point Casper was barely paying attention. His morning had been somewhat ruined from the broadcast he had witnessed and he had to essentially force the food down. [color=00aeef]"Goin' to school."[/color] "Okay, sweetie. Good luck." The halfway awake woman commented, gently stroking her son's arm as he stood and entered his room. Slipping into a pair of cargo pants, he put on an over sized hoodie and started out of the apartment. Time to go to Evo prison. He threw his shoulder bag on and hurried down the stairs, walking out to the street and continued on his straight path to the bus stop. This area wasn't exactly the safest but he could defend himself without a problem. Though, according to this new law, he was technically not allowed to. Casper's mutation was physical and he couldn't exactly turn it off. Punching someone for him [i]was[/i] using his power. Funny how things turn out. Sitting down on the bench, the boy slipped on his iPod and breathed out. The bus would come soon and before going to school, he could at least disappear for a little while into his own world. That's what music did, it was an escape, something he desperately needed.