[center][h2][color=orangered]Sakiah Kywen[/color][/h2][/center][center][color=steelblue]Unknown Location[/color][/center][right][sub][color=gold]1st Sunddir, Aagium, 127th Crest, 5th Cycle[/color][/sub][/right][hr] [i]Darkness, total and absolute. Broken only by thousands of tiny, insignificant motes of light. Always closer, forever smaller. Twinkling off in an impossible distance, as if beckoning. Calling, reaching out for something. Finding only nothing except the total encompassing absence of light. An abyss so complete, it seemed unreal. The way it shimmered, as if caressed by millions of tiny hands constructed from crystals refracting every color of the spectrum. An oily shimmer, continuously persisting, barely there. A trick of the eye, yet a shade made of infinite nothingness has no eyes. Sees no sights. Feels no touch. Death, perhaps? The blackness shifted, spinning wildly, the motes of light dancing. Bright duets, shimmering in attraction as they spun and swirled, dipped and twirled. Jarringly, they stopped. Still, glinting a symphony of soundless echoes. Crying out, pain? A slash of red, cutting through the serenity of nothing. A second swathe, crossing the first at an angle. A sudden jolt, crimson tears blanketing the vacuity. A hundred stars dying. Fading from existence. Glittering shades that slowly faded from the marred canvas. Shades of light dwindling, glinting woefully as they departed. Leaving only one. A tiny hope, growing. Long arms of light dancing from it’s body as it raced toward. Insides of blue and white, or browns and greens. Spinning madly, a ceremonial dance mimicking the unseen others. Closer now, and a rush of color. Smoky wisps of pale white leading depressing grays guiding darkened blotches. And suddenly, everything. A rush of sound met her eyes as she burst through the clouds, her tingling body rushing towards the planet. Spit forth a maw so much like that in which she herself dreamt of escaping. Glittering with it’s precious earth. She spread her arms and let the winds carry her, closing her eyes as she was escorted across the ocean breeze, smelling the salt in the air. A boat rocked underneath, the sea hardened men unaware of her soaring figure, silhouette across the dark clouds heralding a storm. She passed through them with the ease of a breath. The sun was bright as it glimmered across the frothing ocean waves. She squinted, her vision hazy across the glare before she turned in a wide sweeping arc, coming low across the ocean waves. She passed through a swell, feeling nothing but frivolous across her body failed to pick up sensation. She gasped in shock, but no air filled her lungs. Panic swept her mind and for a moment, her journey stopped and become a tumultuous tumble beneath the ocean’s surface. She imagined bubbles escaping her lungs and she drowned, and they blinked into existence, jiggling a ballet slowly to the surface. The scene stunned her, long enough that the sweeping pull of whatever mystical current was guiding her drew her in once more. Up, out of the waves, and back into the air. A mass of land looming before her, crested by an enormous gathering of stone. A city, spanning miles along the coast, entrenching deep into the mainland. Miles and miles of flattened cobble and shaped wood, of worked marble and polished metal. She swept down a wide avenue, glittering with swept shop fronts and flowers in bloom. If she had been breathing, her breath would have caught. Instead, her mouth hung agape as the pull became stronger. The whip whipped at her, causing her to idly wonder why it was that she could feel that, but not the splashing of the ocean’s wave. Translucent fingers took hold of her, wrapping themselves around her as the pull became a tug, as if her body was too heavy for it’s force. Her eyes widened in fear as the force gripped her body, squeezing her as if into a vacuum to small for her. She shot forward, the world becoming a multicolored blur. Her senses flickered in and out, a barrage of sound assaulting her ears fading into the violent caress of the pull. The world spun, wild and vivid in its color, before dropping her in the middle of a room. She forced her eyes to open, and was met with only blood. No, not blood, the color of it, pressed into a plush carpet. She stood carefully, her brows hunched together in wonder and confusion. Curtains of deep purple spanned entire sections of wall, from floor to ceiling, over polished windows higher than she was tall. A thick, wooden desk lacquered to a bright shine sat before a chair thick with cushions, depressions in the fabric holding a hundred sparkling eyes of diamonds. She strode forward, both appalled and intrigued by such splendor. She passed between two plain looking chairs position in front of the desk, and yet somehow seeming exquisite in their plainness. She turned, hearing the groan of two obviously heavy doors pushed open, the squeal of hinges absent beneath layers of grease. [b]She was beautiful[/b] A woman entered, but not like any Sakiah had ever encountered. Like herself, yet different. Two horns adorned her temples, gracefully curving back with the shape of her head, barely skimming the surface of her shining, sun-colored hair. She was short, yet her hollowed cheeks showed a maturity in her age, a deeper plum set against the brighter purple skin. Her eyes glittered as she strode into the room, shifting with hues of red and orange, splashed with yellow, as if a raging fire had left its imprint on her eyes. The woman turned, and Sakiah noticed their was another, a mirror of partner, less in her visage but appearing that of an elegant painting. Set with hues of blue and black. [color=yellow]”Wise council, Sister... but misguided.”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]”Please, hear me on this-”[/color] A slap resounded throughout the office chamber. A stinging red handprint left on the blue cheek of the taller woman. Sakiah could see wetness welling in the corner of her eyes. [color=yellow]”Do not try my patience!”[/color] The shorter one seethed, obviously in a position of power over the other. The taller sister nodded meekly, forked tongue darting across her split lip, tasting only the acrid taste of warm, fresh blood. The shorter one took a look of concern, her hand reaching up to brush the side of her sister’s face even as the taller one flinched in response, [color=yellow]”Sssh, sssh… I’m sorry, it’s just, you know how things get to me,”[/color] She cooed. The blue woman nodded as a strand of midnight hair fell across her face. The purple hand caressing her face moved to push the strand away, before forcefully lacing its fingers into her hair and wrenching her head down closer so that the hot breath of her older sister could be felt across her face. [color=yellow]”Send the howlers east, with Misla… she alone should be more than enough”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]”Yes, a-as you com-m-mand.”[/color] The blue one whimpered as she was shoved towards the exit. She straightened her clothes, salvaged what was left of her pride, and left with the heavy burden of orders. Sakiah stood, entranced by the exchange when she felt a sudden change enter the room, a chill, perhaps. The sensation definitely seemed to be there, replaced quickly by a sudden spasm of light tingles shooting across her. The shorter, purple woman’s breath hitched and she turned about the room slowly. Her eyes scanning, her mouth agape before she seemed to settle on Sakiah’s position. Neither of them understood this moment. Sakiah, who felt unseen by the entire world except for this captivating, gorgeous woman of a race she was unknown. Fierce in her command and sure in her power. And the woman with tresses seemingly made from the sun's rays, unaware and yet feeling something off. Something definitely amiss. She looked with eyes that were not her own, but those of her being, the world taking on a veil of shimmering, dream-like quality. And suddenly, she could see her. Hair whiter than the heavens themselves. Eyes shining with the pale glimmer of gold. The four ivory horns cresting her head like a crown. [color=yellow]”You…”[/color] she whispered, a single, unspoken breath passing before a wave of force ripped Sakiah from the lavish office, thrusting her back into the blackness, back among the shining, dancing motes of light, enthralled with her passage as she hurtled through nothingness.[/i]