[i]Cell 30-Central Headquarters Science, Research, and Development Division[/i] Cody did not sleep. He didn't seem able to let go, to sink into the darkness of restfulness, to his dreams of swirls. Only in dreams could he truly see colours. He kept on thinking he could hear screams. In the end, he resorted to humming, or singing under his breath, a mournful tune, sorrowful and heartfelt, it almost seemed like the tone seeped into the building itself, flowing through it, and echoing around. It was almost as if Cody was singing his soul, and it seemed heartbreaking that a man who could not see beauty truly could capture its essence so simply. When morning came, and his music had finally died away, it still seemed like the building was echoing the music still, as if it was now embedded within it's bones, and Cody rose, standing to stretch out his body. [i]what do they have in store for me, today?[/i] he wondered, narrowing his eyes as if he was in pain, and sighed heavily. The screams he was sure he had heard during the night bounced around his mind, distressing him, and wondering what had drawn them from their owner. Whoever it was, he hoped they were alright. [hr] Agent Caits found the findings the higher ups had bestowed upon their operations rather unfair. You could, after all, plan for many things-who would have thought that between the hours of last watching the subject and the operation that he would get a damn puppy? As the email came through, Agent Caits made her way to Subject 30's cell. [hr] [quote=File 14] [right]Name: Agent Caits Time and Date: 08/03/2016, 0900[/right] [centre][b]Daily Report-204[/b][/centre] Subject appeared to be if not well rested, in some ways at piece. Cody did not put up any resistance when escorted to testing, but did show some reluctance to being restrained, indeed he did not seem to tolerate the restraints well, but he did not complain. I wonder if he merely has suffered in silence for years, or if he sees no point in complaining. Unwilling to break protocol, the subject remained restrained until arriving at the testing rooms. Conversation with subject was recorded and transcribed, and filed correctly. [/quote] [quote=file #15] [centre][b]Transcript 1 With Subject 30[/b][/centre] [right]Date and time:08/03/2016, 0845[/right] Subject appeared to know we were coming for him, and appeared almost resigned to what was coming. Did the subject know what was going to happen? Perhaps he guessed at it. Subject 30: You were there. You were apart of...bringing me here Agent Caits: I am Agent Caits, and I am required to take you to testing. You must be restrained. I am coming in, if you even think of attacking me, I will be forced to use extreme force, and trust me, you will not like that. Subject 30: I said to whoever helped me last night, what would be the point of trying to escape? I am not going to try, as I will not get anywhere. Subject 30: Do you know what happened to my puppy? Subject 30: Oh. Agent Caits: I am putting the restraints on, hold out your hands. Agent Caits: This way. Subject 30: What's going to happen to me? Agent Caits: That is not up to me. Rather, it is up to you. You'd do best to do what you are asked, and to not cause trouble. Subject 30: That's not much of an answer, rather that's merely common sense, but how can I know you won't harm me anyway? People who harm a puppy don't typically have boundaries. Silence ensured, and the conversation appeared at an end.[/quote] [quote=file #16] [centre][i]United Nations Anomalies Research Mission[/i][/centre] [right]Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 1100[/right] [centre][b]Analysis Report – Subject 30[/b][/centre] Subject 30, Cody O'Niel, is indeed quite cooperative. There was no trouble conducting the tests, although the subject appeared to be in distress during the physical testing. Touch seems to cause him pain, even the slightest brush of something against his skin can be stressing to him, yet he did not complain, nor react more beyond wincing. Rather then cause further distress, blood was taken via a IV drain, as this appeared easier on the subject instead of taken many different vials of blood. Subject appeared calm during this procedure, and not once sought to make difficulties. Blood results showed very little abnormality, however his blood did show signs of light appearance, and had an almost luminescent glow at times. Perhaps this was a trick of the light, yet with the subjects eyes, this is not believe to be so. What was extremely remarkable about Cody was his hearing. Off the charts, there is no way of measuring just how soft a sound he can hear, oft times it appears he can even hear a heart beating. Some noise during testing that could be anywhere in the building would attract his attention. What implications could this have for example, military? If he can hear as it is believed he can, could we not use this ability for obtaining lintel without the risk to military personal. Imagine the lives that could be saved, and the damage that could be done to the enemy. Especially if the subject is willing, and cooperative. How long, after all, would it take to replicate Cody's abilities? As long as Cody is cooperative, it is believe answers can be found much quicker. As for his other abilities, he does not seem to even know his own potential. His bone structure is denser, stronger then a normal being, and yet Cody himself appears to be quite light weight, his measurements coming in just under the normal range for someone of his height and age. Is this a way of ensuring he can maintain his use of, presumably, light? Further testing will need to be conducted, as well as to further test his ability to see. It really is quite marvelous. Has he merely adjusted at a faster rate then someone else who is blind, then a normal being? Or is it something else? Subject appears to have above average intelligence, answering preliminary IQ tests in Superior Range, however it is believed that the subject could even have very Superior test scores, with an assumed IQ score of 150. Preliminary findings indicate that this subject could be very valuable indeed. [/quote] [hr] Cody still felt the effects of what was the testing. the swabs, the needle, the measurements, they all left a mark on him, and made him feel like his skin was irritated. When he was returned to the cell he had been on, there was a different guard. Cody sat, and managed to figure out that there was food for him. Well, at least they weren't going to starve him. he didn't particularly expect the food to taste well. His first order of business was to sort out the irritation, and when he was sure the attendant was not watching him, he allowed a sheen of light to cover his skin, removing the irritation effectively that he felt better. Cody was sure that his every move, and approach was being analysed, and he resolved to show nothing that he didn't have to, and to continue being cooperative. If they thought he was giving them what they wanted, would they give him privileges, freedom? He would find out. He just had to show he wasn't a threat to them. [hr] [quote=file #17] [centre][i]United Nations Anomalies Research Mission[/i][/centre] [right]Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 1110[/right] [b]Analysis Report – Subject 29[/b] While Subject 30's testing went well, it is expected that Subject 29's will be difficult. Pain is not an option here, as this appears to be a trigger for her abilities. Blood testing may have to be set for a later date, as this could, potentially cause a severe reaction from Gerswhin. .All possible difficulties due to the subjects reactions need to be considered, and safety is essential for personal. Subject will have to be restrained, strongly so, and it is not expected that the subject will be cooperative, as Subject Cody was. It may be prudent to put the subject to sleep, and if subject proves difficult, this will need to be an option. It will be necessary to have a small team transport the subject, again for safety and to prevent the subject escaping. It may be necessary to conduct Subject 29's testing in small parts to prevent anything dangerous from happening [/quote] [hr] [quote=file #18]From: Dr Baoning To: Agent Dioxide Escort subject 29 to testing. Do not screw this up and ensure you have a small, effective team to transfer the subject. [/quote]