[img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/173/d/2/Viking_Martial_Artist_by_Frost7.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Kisaki Mao [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Personality: [/b] Ruthless, but honourable in his own way. He shows no mercy to those he considers weak, but prefers not to kill a stronger opponent. He's slightly overconfident, and loves to show off his capabilities. He seizes every opportunity to improve his capabilities, considering every fight another chance to hone his skills. He's a man of action over words, and speaks only when necessary. [b]Bio: [/b] Growing up in a warrior culture, Kisaki Mao was raised to see combat as an artform, and to hone his body into a perfect weapon. He was a talented warrior, and quickly proved himself among the most capable in his clan. However, once his supernatural abilities were discovered, he was declared an abomination, and sentenced to death. Unwilling to face death, Kisaki instead chose to run away from his clan, fleeing into more civilized lands. There he would grow stronger, training both his skills as a warrior and his arcane capabilities. In time, he would return to his clan, and kill the previous chieftain in combat. He declared himself the new chief, as the clan's greatest warrior. The others refused to accept him as their leader, however, so he resorted to killing all the warriors of the village. Having no motivation to wipe out the remaining younglings and warriors-in-training, Kisaki chose to return to his wandering lifestyle. He boasted many victories, proving himself time and time again against worthy opponents. He slayed great beasts, defeated legendary warriors and earned himself a fearsome reputation. However, this was never enough to satisfy Kisaki. He wished to be acknowledged as the greatest warrior in the world, and continued to hone his abilities. In time, he would discover multiversal travel. He joined the RoC in order to test his skills against the Resistance, caring not for the differing ideologies. [b]Abilities:[/b] [Energy Absorption] Kisaki possesses the natural ability to absorb kinetic energy and store it inside of his body. He's capable of draining 80% of the Kinetic energy within a particular system, adding the absorbed energy to a constantly expanding pool. He can absorb energy from any system he touches, or which comes within 5cm (about 2 inches) of his skin. However, he also possesses a maximum. He is only able to contain approximately 100 tons of force within himself. Should he exceed this limit, he has to immediately vent the excess energy or suffer physical damage dealt directly to his body as it struggles under the strain. [Energy Emission] Drawing from the energy within his body, Kisaki is able to project Kinetic energy in various ways. This energy emerges in the form of kinetic energy, which is applied directly to any object he is either touching, or which is within 5 cm of his body. The maximum amount of energy he is able to project at any one time is 10 tons of force. However, emitting that much energy at once puts some level of strain on his body, and therefore he can't do so repeatedly. Usually this force is utilized in bursts to increase the power of his physical attacks, but it can also be used in more subtle manners in order to achieve various effects. [Energy Manipulation] Straddling the fine line between absorption and emission, manipulation allows him to directly alter kinetic energy in a system. He needs to be touching a system in order to do this, but it can be utilized to devastating effect. As with his absorption, he's only able to manipulate 80% of the kinetic energy in a system at any one time. This technique can be used to focus the force of Kisaki's punches on a small area, turning his bare hands into swords. Conversely it can be used to spread out the energy of enemy attacks, treating sharp weapons as if they were blunt and decreasing the piercing power of any physical attack that hits him. This capability also plays a part in many of his specialized techniques, increasing the precision and effect of his attacks. [hider=Special Techniques] [God Fist Style] This style of combat is focused around landing incredibly powerful punches on your opponent. Far above crudely boosting his power with energy emission, this style consists of a number of techniques designed to elevate his abilities into a martial art. This results in a devastatingly effective combat style, combining an unrelenting offence with a steadfast defence. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This rule also applies to punches, as every blow will cause a force equal to the blow to affect Kisaki's arm. However, by manipulating this counterforce, Kisaki is able to redirect 80% of it to the enemy. This effectively increases the power of his attacks by 80%, and massively reduces the strain on his body. Alternatively, Kisaki can absorb this 80% in order to hoard his supply of energy. The strongest materials are so strong because they bend. This allows them to spread the kinetic energy over a larger area, giving them a much greater resistance to physical force. This trait is especially common in metals and specially treated ceramics. However, by manipulating the energy, Kisaki can reduce this effect by 80%. This allows him to treat metal as if it were far more fragile than it really is. [Iron Body Technique] By manipulating the kinetic energy within his own body, Kisaki is able to massively enhance his durability. While normally about 20% of a physical attack would strike him, he's able to release burst of kinetic energy from his body directly against these attacks. This massively decreases their power, allowing him to tank them fairly effectively. By spreading the energy over a larger area, he's also able to significantly decrease the damage he takes from impacts. [Gravity Steal] The most obvious source of kinetic energy is the nigh-omnipresent force of gravity. Kisaki is able to absorb the gravitational pull of himself or any object he's touching in order to massively decrease it's weight, as well as recharging his energy pool. This ability allows him to make giant leaps, increases his movement speed, and grants him the ability to lift weights normally far beyond his ability. Furthermore, by investing some power, he's able to fly using this technique. Although he'll always be slower flying than he is on the ground. [Immortal Form] While not actually immortal, Kisaki is able to compensate for serious wounds with his abilities. By applying some energy he can control the flow of his blood, preventing him from bleeding out. This ability even allows him to compensate for a stopped heart, or missing veins. The most powerful use of this ability is to literally hold his body together after it's been sliced, holding limbs in place as he operates them purely through kinetic energy. However, this has two weaknesses. If a body part is more than 5 cm from the rest of his body, he can no longer hold it together, and it will drop to the floor. Furthermore, this technique requires absolute and constant concentration. Should he falter even for a moment, the delicate balance of forces is disturbed and he drops whatever he's holding in place. [Hollow Fist] By applying kinetic energy directly to the air, Kisaki is able to manipulate the air around his body. This allows him to create vacuums, blocking fire and lightning attacks. He also uses it to create sudden gusts of air, although he loses all control over the wind once it moves more than 5 cm from his body. He can also form an air bubble around his body to avoid poisonous/acidic gasses, or to breathe underwater for a short while. [/hider] [b]Organization:[/b] RoC elite [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] OC [b]Other: [/b]I usually refrain from using OCs, but I really like this guy, and he's great as a combat-oriented character. There will be no overpowered atomic manipulation with the kineticism.