James heard the bell but decided to stay in bed and get some rest before he went to the dinning hall to get something to eat as he was approaching the dinning hall he noticed Zwei and Valencia. [color=Lightblue] "Huh I defend the girl from him just to have her fall into his hands agin." [/color] He thought to himself as he entered the dinning hall he got some fruit and oatmeal and then went back to him room to change and shower. As he finished dressing he heard the bell quickly getting out the door and running toward the fire pit just in time to hear the counselors say that him and Zwei would be dueling, a ball of anger started forming in his stomach as he blurted out, [color=Lightblue] "I accept lets do this." [/color] Zwei smiled releasing Valencia's hand and turning, [color=Red] "If you insist." [/color] They both walked to an open area where the campers and counselors could see them. They bowed to one another and the got into position. Zwei bite his finger and let the blood form a thin blade he made two large incisions down the outsides of his forearms letting the blood form two large curved blades. James transformed his arms into a bamboo spears with jagged points and points going down the sides. They slowly circled one another waiting for the other to strike, quickly James smashed one of his arms into the ground sending a ripple of vine and wood spears toward Zwei, Zwei quickly dodged to the right but not fast enough to completely evade the attack he had a small cut on his tips from where one of the wooden spears stuck him. After evading to the right Zwei quickly charged James flinging blood in his direction the moment it left zwei's body it solidified, James was able to stop the first few projectiles but to no avail he had gotten hit. A crystal of coagulated blood sat sticking of of his leg in a grotesque fashion the blood from James wound was making the shard get bigger and bigger he quickly ripped it out and flung it toward Zwei. Zwei saw the attack coming and didn't intend to dodge instead he put his finger in front of him, upon impact with Zwei finger the crystal became a liquid agin and getting blood on the sides of his face. Zwei charged forward agin. James knowing that zwei would make a move like that proceeded to launch a volley of spears toward him, he quickly coagulated the blood on his face smashing the spears that were intended for his face and chest, with split second percision he pulled his right arm toward his chest cutting through the spears on his right, the left made contact before he was able to deflect that catching Zwei off guard his left arm was now bleeding profusely wounds going from his hand to his upper arm. The attack had stunned Zwei sending him flying back he was barely able to land on his hands and feet making dust and dirt fly, once stabilized he charged in agin this time making his bloodied arm into a giant spiked bludgeon, James didn't except Zwei to recover so fast let alone charge back into battle so blindly. James was morphing his arms into a wooden shotel when Zwei jumped through the cloud of dust and dirt bringing his arm down on James creating a huge cover of dust and dirt that extended all the way to the campers. When the dust finally cleared Zwei was on top of James bludgeon next to his head and blade to his throat. James fast reaction to zwei's ambush saved his life he was just quick enough to stop some of the force and send it crashing into the ground but he was unprepared and was standing incorrectly resulting in the force fracturing his leg leaving him immobile and pinned. Zwei looked down both breathing heavily and spoke, [color=red] "You fought like a like a worrier." [/color] Zwei said as he stepped off and extended a hand to the boy [color=Lightblue] "As did you." [/color] James responded as he took zwei's offer for assistant. Both boys now standing turned toward the counselors and other campers.