[b]CIVILIZATION NAME[/b]: The Mithrans [b]CHARACTERISTIC 1[/b] Curious: We have long kept our eyes to the stars, wondering what my lay in the blackness. [Starts with 3 Free Technologies] [b]CHARACTERISTIC 2[/b] Wise: Our scientists are among the best, there is no doubt. [Laboratories generate +2 Science] [b]GOVERNMENT NAME[/b]: The Mithran Union [b]10 RANDOM CITIZEN NAMES (First & Last if Plausible)[/b]: Mithran names are arranged [Title/Rank] [Personal Name] [Family Name] of Clan [Clan Name/Academy Origin]. Founders of a Clan bear it as their family name. Selkie Riven of Clan Normund Arden Talver of Clan Randgriz Norma Sakala of Clan Sakala Mirim Vente of Clan Talmariim. Corvo Tannen of the Falksturm Academy [b]HOMEWORLD[/b]: Hearthworld [b]SUBSEQUENT COLONIES[/b]: n/a [b]CIVILIZATION DESCRIPTION[/b]: [hider=Race Description] The Mithrans are a humanoid feline species, evolved from the predator races of their homeworld’s jungles and forests. Different genotypes can wildly vary in fur color and physical heredity, to the point where they were mistaken as entirely different species in their violent past due to different yet similar evolutionary paths. Birth rates are highly slanted towards a 9:1 female-male ratio due to both genetic slant and various diseases that primarily targeted the less physically-capable males in pre-spaceflight past. While the gender imbalance is being steadily corrected, females are more predominant in active roles in society while males are kept to enclaves or Academies for philosophical or thinking roles. While physically they are proportionately similar to humans with relatively moderate physical variations (retractable claws, tail, fur, short-range night-vision), Mithran brains are noted for a tendency towards periodic “overclocking” or “eureka moments”, resulting in sudden bursts of intense cerebral activity or complex thinking. The Mithrans refer to this as the “spark of innovation”, and individuals that are compatible with proceedures and neural-enhancements to regularly trigger the Spark are highly valued as living supercomputers. [/hider] [hider=History WIP] Visible racial divides and classification during their early development sparked several conflicts and divisions throughout their history. Racism and factionalism were rife from the iron age to the industrial era between kingdoms and empires, with war frequently matched by driving efforts to surpass and establish superiority over other factions. Successful empresses and rulers would come to rely upon solid foundations of scholars and inventors to cement their domains, and the largest domains of the pre-industrial era were those quickest to develop steel and gunpowder weapons. Ironically, because of the value of the scientific elite, the neutral academies and grand libraries of the intellectual elite were left untouched or spared the worst of the wars, to the point where three rulers had some of their best generals or leaders executed for allowing the sack of academies. While a degree of intrigue and subterfuge was always present, the Academies were spared the worst of the Age of Flames and centuries of cyclical rising and falling of empires, and were thus free to bear witness to a cycle they seemed to be trapped in. It would take the invention and proliferation of the steam engine, rifled firearms, and steel to begin an end to the cycle of war and rising and falling empires, starting by unifying the squabbling nations into coalitions and larger organizations to take advantage of these increasingly complex and resource-intensive technologies. Resources were rich, but geographically divided and easy to control given the vast wilderness and rough terrain of their homeworld. Alliances were struck for coal, gunpowder, and iron. Then for military alliances and joint security pacts. While the scale of war only escalated, hatreds and clan feuds began to subside into greater collective nationalism. And all the while, the Academies remained inviolate to war with the unspoken threat that any who would sack the repositories of the wise men and their libraries of knowledge. Even during the continent-spanning gunpowder wars only took one of the ancient city-states, and those involved were all summarily executed for their crimes to the whole of society. And yet technology had yet to find a cure to the endless war that seemed to curse this world. With greater organization and more open lines of communication, the rate of technological advance as well as the scale of warfare increased. The Academies began to drop their veils of secrecy and jealous exclusiveness to share information across the borders of empires. Crossing lines of race and nationality, pieces of the lost past were put together to trace the source of the wars. While Mithran ethnic groups varied drastically in physical form, it was soon found that almost all of them shared many similaries on a blood level, and possibly in origin. The revelation of common evolution was kept to the Academies as the scholics debated how to reveal this dangerous discovery and bring an end to the constant wars. [WIP][/hider]