Corban likely didn't see it on his first scan around, but on his second, he would notice a figure a few yards away. He said nothing at first, simply staring up at the sky with his hands stuffed in the pocket of his leather jacket, "It's a beautiful day outside..." His words were soft, menacing. His face was shadowed, his expression unidentifiable. He was silent for a few moments, his body completely still. Then, he turned to face Corban. The goofy grin on his face was illuminated, his hazel eyes glistening against the light that shone down on the both of them. The menacing facade had quickly fallen, especially when one realized that Jett was 5'5 with a leather jacket--he looked like a short guy with an attitude. Jett chuckled, "Hey, nice entrance," He pointed toward the transportation that had now left him in the barren wasteland, "Heh, how many dress rehearsals did that take?" He stared at the man clad in state-of-the-art armor for a few moments before walking forward a few steps, snickering at his own joke. "Ah come on, don't give me the silent treatment," He seemed to take no notice of the terrible conditions around him. The burnt buildings, the roads that had been torn asunder. He even stepped over a charred body--he hadn't committed the terrible deed, but Jett decided not to worry about trivial things such as a human life when he had a bigger prize to claim, "I'm just trying to make conversation is all." He snapped a finger, pointing at Corban now, "Say--what's your name, anyway?"