[hider=One Eyed Iris] [center][img]https://cdn2.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/877/042/large/maeva-da-silva-one-blind-eye-girl.jpg?1454101736[/img][/center] [b]Name>[/b] Katherine "Kate" Marlo, AKA One-Eyed Iris [b]Gender>[/b] Female [b]Age>[/b] 24 [b]Appearance> [/b]Looks can be deceiving and Kate certainly likes to be deceiving... Kate is about average height for a female, has a very median build but noticeable muscle definition. Her skin tone is slightly tanned with freckles on her face. She bears a few scars, mostly on her torso, and of course, she has her blind eye, bleached of any color. She mostly remains expressionless with a dead stare, only displaying emotion when putting on an act. At one time people thought Kate had quite a soft and soothing voice but as time has past, she sounds a bit hoarse as if she has needs to cough or something. Usually dresses up in something comparable to a lawman, complete with a dirty duster and a weathered hat. [b]History> [/b]The original Marlos were nothing special. Jesse inherited a small Yegmor County ranch from his father, married, and had kids for a cheaper workforce. They were gentle, law-abiding, and God-fearing folk. They weren't ever ones to get into any trouble and would always welcome the weary traveler, offering what little they could. To many, they had wished little ill upon the Marlos and their small, insignificant ranch. Yet, there were a few malicious souls that took advantage of that kindness. A few local ruffians, as Jesse liked to refer to them as, would eventually find themselves back on the ranch with empty bellies or empty purses. Intimidation goes a long way and seeing as Jesse had a lot to lose, he obliged which often lead to skimpy portions for the family and a struggle to make end's meet. Of course this little 'happy' arrangement wasn't meant to last. Something had to break and eventually it did. Kate remembers the day well, right down to what she had for breakfast that morning. The day out in the fields had gone without a hitch and the kids were all on they're way back when they noticed the ruffians hitching up at the house. As the kids approached, Kate remembers each of their smarmy, condescending laughs even to this day. She hated it. She hated them, but she was only fifteen. What could she do? She had dreams about getting her sweet justice, most involving a kitchen knife and a series of slow, agonizing deaths. Despite Kate's fantasies, she had come to expect this was just going to be another visit. Another night to go hungry and deal with their accursed laughing. But tonight was going to be different and she'd take back all of her morbid dreams to reverse what had happened. That night, Ezekiel, eldest brother at 18 years, had finally drawn the line when he witnessed his mother, Mary, abused by one of ruffians. Ezekiel's chair screeched before crashing to the ground as the boy rushed the one that hit his mother and tackled him to the ground, attempting to strangle the man. At first, everyone was in disbelief. Nobody moved. Then the ruffians realized what was happening and were quick to pull Ezekiel off their comrade. But they didn't stop there. There was a price to that outburst and they beat the boy. Worst yet, the ruffians made the family watch at gunpoint. The Marlos were unknowingly witnessing Ezekiel's death and they were powerless to stop it. The men left after claiming some money and the rest of the food and on their way out, they started laughing again. Maybe it was Ezekiel lying motionless on the ground but Kate had finally had enough! She ran to the kitchen to claim her dream weapon and attempted to charge out after the ruffians. Her father stopped her and let them go. After everything they did, Kate's father didn't do a thing to stop the men. The man was a coward and at that moment Kate realized it. She hated her father from then on, refusing to speak to him out of protest for his lack of inaction. She'd come to regret that later when the Apocalypse would sweep over the land and Jesse Marlo would give his last breath to ensure his children would preserve. The Apocalypse would devastate the Yegmor County family and only two from the family of seven would make it to Krankton County and eventually Thrivenshell, Jacob and Kate. Jacob was still too young to bear the full effects of their family history but Kate remembered it all. She was changed now and her outlook on life would forever be marred by her history. New life in Thrivenshell would be tough for two rather young children. A hasty boarding house was made up for the lost children and while Jacob went willing, Kate refused. She didn't want to live in a depressing orphanage with a bunch of helpless kids, Jacob included. She wanted to be making her own way, but she mostly wanted revenge. The going was tough but she quickly became a vagrant urchin, stealing for survival. Through time, she had gotten good at taking care of herself, namely theft, but she had also gotten to know other criminals through her trade. Eventually a young renegade then known as Jack Higgins, offered Kate a spot on his newly formed posse. Kate accepted. Thus, the Higgy Bottom Boys had their final member and soon everyone would know the name. It was tough to start but after raiding a few weaker wasteland parties, the Higgy Bottom Boys got better at it and their equipment improved drastically. As the years passed on, they were got scary good at robbing and killing, challenging anyone who dared brave the wastes. They were on top and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Of course with all this prosperity came its troubles. Petty arguments over loot and riches were commonplace and their leader, Jack, was absorbed more and more into his greed to settle posse disputes. Tensions were bubbling and finally, Kate knew this wasn't going to last as the group was getting sloppy and lawmen were getting close. In a last ditch effort to clear her own name, Kate betrayed her posse by killing Jack, Francis, and James. Barry managed to slip away in the chaos and Kate wounded Zip but didn't kill him. She needed someone to vouch for her and bringing one of the Higgy Bottom Boys alive was her best bet at getting her clean slate. It was dicey but Kate struck a deal with Thrivenshell and offered Zip, along with nearly all the loot they had captured in return for her absolution. She kept some of her preferred equipment with her and she was bound to a condition to find and bring in, or kill, the last remaining Higgy Bottom Boy in order to clear her name entirely. [b]Personality>[/b] It is kill or be killed according to Kate's moral compass. She puts herself in front and is willing to go to any length to preserve herself or her interests, taking a tactile thinking approach to any of her problems. She is very cold to the idea of helping people and is considerably distant. Despite her crudeness, she does possess a soft spot for families with children. Along with that, she has a tendency to at least try and abide by her word nowadays, seeing as her days as a outlaw are done. Still, she probably won't like you but maybe willing to tolerate you. It depends. [b]Abilities and Skills>[/b] Top notch Marksman with rifle, Convincing Bluffer, Skilled Assassin and Thief ~Magic Eye~ So you are probably wondering about the eye... Well, it is actually more than just a blank cornea. It actually does provide Kate with sight but not quite the sight you were thinking of. Her eye is strangely altered by magic to be able to zoom and focus on command, meaning she is deadly accurate at a range. [b]Weapons>[/b] Sharps Sharpshooter Rifle, 6-Barrel Revolver, Derringer Pocket Pistol, Knife [b]Alignment>[/b] Lawful Evil [b]Family or Friends> [/b] Mary Marlo (Mother) - Deceased Jesse Marlo (Father) - Deceased Ezekiel Marlo (Older Brother) - Deceased Ruth Marlo (Younger Sister) - Deceased Matthew Marlo (Younger Brother) - Deceased Jacob Marlo (Younger Brother) - Living in Thrivenshell, works as carpenter, married has one son ~Higgy Bottom Boys~ Jack "Higgy" Higgins(Associate) - Deceased Barry "Warg" Larson(Associate) - Living, dead if Kate ever finds him Francis "Bison" Webb(Associate) - Deceased Zip "Doc" Wyatt(Associate) - Living, currently imprisoned awaiting his hangin' James "Pint" Avery(Associate) - Deceased ~Ruffians~ Billy Rogers (Enemy) - Unknown Thomas Waite (Enemy) - Unknown Fred Hart (Enemy) - Unknown [/hider]