[center][h2][color=DarkGray]Galthor Tradhar Delthor[/color][/h2][/center] [b][center][color=DarkGreen]Westedge Hideout ~ Living hall [/color][/center][/b] [hr] Torchlight seeped through the room revealing an interesting contrast, to one side a natural cavern curves and twists, with a underground river flowing through it, a soft current brought the occasional small fish, or critter through the clear water. a few fungi and plants grew on the humid walls of the cave and smoke crawled through the ceiling, making it's way through a few cracks in it, slowly finding it's way to other caverns an eventually, leading it outside. The other half followed the course of the river for a long time, seemingly carved into the stone a hall outlined the cavern. This hall is the Living hall of the Westedge hideout, where unoccupied members come to spend their time until they receive a contract, or to rest from a successful mission. Sitting around a table close to where the river enters the area, three people where talking. A Strong, large man wearing tough leather, with a few metal plates on certain bits. A woman in simple clothes toying with a dagger, and a tiefling who just sat there, arms crossed and looking annoyed at the man. [color=DimGray]"You lot, any of you seen Ylor or Laura around here?"[/color] Three heads turned to Galthor as he approached the table and said that, looking down specifically at the tiefling who looked back at him with a large grin on her face. [color=DeepSkyBlue]"Oh you didn't know, Both of them left yesterday, heading southwards."[/color] Galthor looked at the tiefling, raising an eyebrow. He needed to contact one of the mentors to get a copy of the Mor hideout key, actually, he needed to even know where the entrance was since he had never been to the place before. [color=DimGray]"Yomi, you know something don't you? i recognize that grin"[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue] "Oh you read me like a book, i'd be all over you if you weren't such an ass"[/color] [color=DimGray]"Still sulking about the Calderon job? I thought higher of you"[/color] As this point the tiefling had swiftly gotten up, and walked over to him, a grace in her walk that was only beaten by the grace of her wielding a sword. [color=DeepSkyBlue]"And i thought higher of you then to steal a fellow fangs contract" [/color] As she said this, she leaned closer towards his ear, slipping something into his pocket while saying. [color=DeepSkyBlue]"Ylor told me to give you this, good luck figuring out where the entrance is." [/color] And with that the tiefling walked away, disappearing through a door, closing it behind her with her tail. reaching into his pocket Galthor felt the key that Yomi had given him. The last thing he needed before leaving to Mor, well, that and the location of the entrance, but with a bit of effort he knew he could find a Fence that would point him towards it after some convincing, and his arcane focus should serve as enough proof. So turning around, he began making his way to his quarters, to grab his bag and set way to the beginning on his contract. [hr]