Lyra’s dreams consisted of sounds and smells and feelings, so her dream (or maybe nightmare was the better word) wasn’t unusual in that regard. But usually, she was more coherent. She remembered being seated someone, and a woman talking. Lyra remembered the sound of her voice well but not what she was saying, something had made it hard for Lyra to understand anything. Then the next thing she knew, she was lying on something cold and metallic, like an examination table. Lyra could smell…bleach? It was that kind of smell that only a hospital could have, sanitized and overly clean. Lyra couldn’t move either as she felt straps hold her down and the most concerning of all was the needle she felt poking into her arm. She wanted to ask what was going on but nothing was coming out. But soon, though, Lyra was waking up in her bed, confused and slightly disoriented. At first, the disorientation was just from the really weird dream, but as Lyra sat up she entered a whole new world of confusion. Because she could see. She couldn’t really see well, but she could make out very faint outlines of things. She brought up her hands and watched the outlines moved as she moved her fingers…what was going on? Lyra didn’t get much longer to ponder this mystery though as Lyra heard her door open and the click of the light switch and suddenly the outlines were gone. “Good morning honey.” Lyra heard her Mom say, then heard her tone change as she asked, “Are you okay dear? You look a little pale…” “I-I’m fine Mom. Just had a really weird dream…” Lyra told her, not sure how she could explain what just happened. “I’ll be down for breakfast in a few minutes.” “Alright dear. If you want to talk about it, just let me know.” Her mother told her before she closed the door to let Lyra get ready for school. Lyra’s mind was busy thinking as she got ready. She hadn’t been able to see since she was a little girl, over eleven years. But now suddenly, she saw something? Was this normal? Maybe it was just a product of her dream or imagination. Yeah, that was probably it. Lyra didn’t have to worry about this. Her day would go on like usual. So convinced that her vision was back to how it usually was Lyra finished getting ready and headed downstairs and ate breakfast with her mother, who then took her to school. Along the way, though, she noticed more a few more patches of outlines, not very big and when she did see them it was kind of random, at least to her. And she could kind of make out what they were outlines of sometimes...Well, this was getting to be way too strange for her liking. The outlines didn't appear at all if she kept her eyes closed, so that's what she did, hoping that when she did open them again things were going to be back to normal completely, or else she was going to have to tell her parents about this. Lyra said goodbye to her mom when she pulled up to the school and hopped out of the car, using her cane to find her way into the school, even though she pretty much knew the layout already. She went inside and headed to the school cafe, perhaps some coffee would help her get back to normal?