[@Balthazar007] Grey speechless when he saw the next Adam appear. For some reason it made him a little angrier. He listened carefully as he gave his answers and he really did not like that he knew his thoughts, even if it was only from before. He was fine knowing he could do what he wanted as long as it didn't hurt anyone, but him knowing everything and keeping information from him made him even angrier. Grey wasn't exactly sure what was angering him, but something about Adam made him want to punch him. He didn't think it was his fault he didn't like him and there was the rule of no hurting people so he restrained himself. When his Adam finished he waited for a moment just staring at him. He wasn't sure what he wanted from him, but before he decided, Ricardo asked another question. Knowing how to get back would be very nice information, but unfortunately Adam withheld it again. Now Grey was livid. How dare he assume, he would want to live in this new place more than home. Home is home and that wasn't going to change. He finally figured out what he wanted from Adam. [b]"Yes, there is actually something you can do for me, and that's leave. Please don't come back unless I ask you too. Thank you."[/b] He only spoke to his own Adam as he thought it would be rude to tell Ricardo's Adam to leave too. Once his Adam left, he walked over to a sign and punched it, leaving a dent the size of his fist. Once he had done this he was completely calm again. He looked back to Ricardo with a friendly smile. [b]"Sorry about that. Just venting some frustration. I'm pretty good at controlling myself. I'm very careful of what I destroy."[/b]