[color=ed1c24][b]NOT DONE, JUST POSTING SO I DON'T LOSE IT. IF ANYTHING I'LL TAG YOU GM'S WHEN MY CHARACTER SHEET IS COMPLETED !![/b][/color] [hider=My Hider] [center] [hider=Marlena] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/f54772e0d7f36c0c4c93acb0888e3d1a/tumblr_o18er81vZy1uiiv2do1_500.gif[/img] [/hider] [hider=Lyra] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/c527f2726b9439c3cfb7fd2419f92b01/tumblr_nhs9aix5f91u3kolao1_400.gif[/img] [/hider] [h3]" [color=00a651]I'm a damsel, [i][b]Not[/b][/i] in [i]distress[/i].[/color] " - Lyra[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [color=662d91]Marlena[/color] & [color=00a651]Lyra[/color] Graham [b]Age:[/b] 27 (debating) [b]Gender:[/b] Females [b]Height:[/b] Both coincidentally 5'7 [b]Weight:[/b] [color=662d91]124[/color] lbs | [color=00a651]127[/color] lbs [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Brazilian [b]Sexuality:[/b] [color=92278f]Bisexual[/color] | [color=00a651]Heterosexual[/color] [b]Religion:[/b] [i]Agnostic[/i] [b]Occupation:[/b] TBA | Doctor / Psychiatrist [b]Ability:[/b] [color=662d91]Ice manipulation[/color]: Marlena's obvious ability is to manipulate ice. She is not limited to her surroundings as she can conjure up ice-like defenses and attacks to her liking with her hands and enough focus, but emotions [i]can[/i] get the best of her considering how mentally unstable she is. Marelena is also not limited to affecting her surroundings, able to drop the temperature and even freeze whatever around her if she so wishes. If desired she can literally drop her own body temperature to be undetected as well. [color=00a651]Plant Manipulation:[/color] Lyra has the ability to manipulate plants. She can control any plant at will or sprout roots from underground and use them to her advantage when in battle. However one powerful move she considers a threat would be her ability to literally create a forest of thorns. If a plant is summoned from below ground by force with her hands, it will often take on a thorny appearance. Normally a plant under her manipulation would often be thorny or dark in color, however she has fairly gotten the hang of not making the plants which she manipulates so dangerous due to her compassionate behavior. Along with being able to create a forest or at least make a certain area dominated by plants, Lyra can also bend the roots from underground or trees into mythological woodland creatures to her liking. Soldiers made of plant in short. { [s][i]Like maleficent[/i][/s] } [b]Personality:[/b] Lyra is a woman who, while caring and nurturing on the outside, has a sense of strong morality and and justice to her. A line she often adores saying is,"I'm a damsel, not in distress.~" to prove a point that she isn't like your typical woman and is willing to put up a fight for herself, even without the usage of her powers most of the times. Because she deliberately doesn't use her powers due to caring for civilian casualties it may draw, Lyra is equally dominant on the mental field especially. She tends to always strategize and think of ways to handle a situation without the usage of her powers, and thus appears completely mundane from other Evos. At least, a life of normalcy is what she strives for anyways to avoid being pulled into trouble. But either way, The woman doesn't seem to be afraid of anything at all and normally appears completely unflapple in the most dire situations -If she feels confident that she can get herself out of it-. Often times due to her rarely using her powers, opponents often mistaken it as a sort of fear--Especially with that kind and naive facade she puts up. The fear of losing herself? Hurting those she cares for? No. To the contrary, she simply doesn't succumb easily to mind games and to put it out there, and just takes into consideration how much damage her powers can do. She just cares for civilians and strives for a life of normalcy. Marlena on the other hand is the opposite from her sister. She displays a childish behavior which some may find eerie, and is absolutely more expressive in more ways than one. She isn't afraid to voice her opinions nor does she feel any ounce of shame and can be rather flirty with whoever seems pleasing to her. [i]Dangerous[/i] you say? Now you're even [i]prettier[/i] in her eyes. The blonde is a wolf in sheep's clothing, manipulating her way up to the top and isn't afraid to let out her occasional psychotic outbursts to remind others that she's just a sadistic-brat. Everything is a game to Marlena, and she seems to appreciate her powers a bit to much as opposed to Lyra. But while Marlena displays such a bizarre behavior that some may find obnoxious, while others amusing, the woman is mentally weak and once her emotions gets the best of her, she tends to go haywire with her powers. [b]Background:[/b] Growing up, The twins had lived in a fairly large home with a loving family, middle class but not to poor or rich. It was actually both twins who had discovered their powers, but Lyra however kept her powers in secrecy unlike Marlena. Lyra was able to keep the burden, however it was her sister who had suffered more than her. They discovered their powers at 9 when they were being bullied. Lyra was pushed into a corner and had no where to run, However the best she could do was make roots come up from the ground and trip the boy who was harassing her. At that time it was only then that Marlena had witnessed her sister being bullied and tolerated it in an unfashionable way, causing the temperature around her to go cold and a trail of ice going after the boy. Even as a child, Marlena was more expressive and open than her sister, and upon scaring the boy off their parents were called about the situation, Mostly about Marlena's situation. The twins had different views about their abilities, But seeing as so far it was only Marlena who appeared to be the only twin with a 'super power', she was home schooled unlike her sister and was raised in a different manner than Lyra. At this point, Lyra had still kept her powers to herself in secret and would attempt to tame her own powers if they manipulated plants subconsciously. Eventually, The twins and especially Lyra's own powers were revealed when her mother had gone through a car accident and received a coma. The turn of events had caused Lyra to almost become like Demeter when her daughter was taken away. The plants around her wilted as she walked by them, however she was often able to somewhat bring the plants back up if things looked to suspicious, only to have the plants near-wilting. Marlena on the other hand was stuck at home, yet hearing the news of her mother being in a coma had forced her to turn cold, especially when her mentality was already unstable because of her powers. It was only then that Marlena caught her sister's abilities. Apparently Lyra couldn't bottle up her abilities for long and one day upon getting up from bed and proceeding to walk around the house, she had created a trail of lotus flowers beneath her feet with each step she took. The two were 14 at this point, and as Marlena caught the sight of this, she grinned and was over joyed to know that her sister was just like her. The blonde no longer felt out of place, and her happiness only turned her sister's trail of flowers into ice crystals. Upon gathering up this newly found knowledge, Lyra wasn't as overjoyed as her sister who had ran to immediately tell their father about this news but it was only then that the two's views clashed. Upon investigating, Their father found Marlena's demands rather foolish. He saw crystal Lotuses, while Marlena demanded her sister made the trail of flowers and that her own excitement may have frozen the trail. "You did this! Right Lyra?" The blonde asked her sister for proof. But Lyra kept quiet as she looked at her father. Not a yes, not a no. She gave no answer, and it nearly crushed Marlena. Why was her sister keeping her mouth shut? Marlena could've sworn that her older sister had powers of her own. Powers to make plants appear so far in her eyes. The younger twin simply couldn't comprehend the situation, and puzzled by her sister's silent response their father dismissed Marlena's demands of Lyra having powers, thinking that she was probably so lonely she had built such a fantasy and created the trails herself without even knowing. After a small outburst came from Marlena about being titled as some lonely child to the point of dreaming that her twin had powers, It was around this time that their father had also decided to cut the life line of their mother. The twins began to have a sort of strained relationship. There was Marlena who wanted to express her powers and use them freely with no boundaries or restraints, then there was Lyra. Who believed in restraints and keeping their abilities a secret for the good of their surroundings. The girl made a point by comparing their different living arrangements so far, Marlena being the girl trapped at home, and Lyra being the girl who socialized out of home. Keeping powers a secret was the safer thing to do in Lyra's opinion. But showing your powers openly meant protecting more people believed Marlena. Their different lifestyles, and beliefs turned their relationship slightly strained and little did they know was that balancing both would release the tension. So as time slow went by, Lyra's powers were awakening since she would always lock them in while Marlena's persistent behavior about helping Lyra simply, made her life even worse. No one believed that Lyra had powers, and Marlena only seemed crazier day by day. Frustration and eventually seclusion of being locked in at home compared to her sister's life got to her after a while, and when Marlena couldn't control her own emotions, she snapped at her sister. Being 18, the two once again had an argument about their powers. Marelena simply froze her surroundings in the house while her sister instinctively made plants to wrap around from the outside of the house to the inside in order to create a barrier. Emotions had got the best of both of them and nobody won when their powers clashed. Their house was destroyed, both eaten by plants and frozen by frost and it immediately became another news on tv and papers. But it didn't specify the twin's doings due to their father claiming it was other Evos. Marelena was placed in a asylum-like place by force in order to contain her powers while being guarded while Lyra was given a slide form her father. Since then the two still have a complex relationship. [img]http://i64.tinypic.com/rj3as3.png[/img] Twins when they were fairly younger.[/center] [/hider]