[hider=Severt B. Forbes][center][color=firebrick]Severt B. Forbes[/color][/center] [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d6/Roland_Deschain_by_Michael_Whelan.png[/img][/center] [b]Gender[/b]> Male. [b]Age[/b]> 41. [b]Appearance[/b]> Forbes stands at about 6'2" and 170 lb with a lean yet toned build that gives him a distinct frame. He has a tanned white skin tone and his facial features are chiseled but gritty and old; often found shadowed by the thick stubble that covers the side of his face, upper lip, chin and goes down part of his neck. Forbes eyes are of a piercing gunmetal blue, and his hair is dark brown, combed back and grown to medium length. He is often seen wearing a worn brimmed hat, dark in color and woven together with thin rope, and a long coat or some sort of poncho fitted over his rawhide vest and faded light blue cuffed shirt. [b]History[/b]> Forbes story starts off early in his childhood when his mother used to sing lullabies for him as she rocked him gently in the wooden cradle that always creaked with agony. His mother had no job and always stayed at home to tend to her motherly duties around the wealthy happy life that Forbes lived in as an only child. His father was a blacksmith, but was also rumored to once be a gunslinger before retiring. Forbes has never believed this, and thought his father to be far too strict and disciplinary to be one himself. Every so often Forbes will still yearn for his past, not because his present is dreadful, but of how he reminisces over the enjoyment he had. Often he would spend time out with two of his best friends: Elsworth and Aubrey. He grew up experiencing a good education in a small town infamously known for its public executions. Forbes was shielded most of the time in his youth from seeing these but did witness a few of those hangings in his lifetime before they were finally halted. To this day he still remembers them, not as a horror, but just a reminder of his origin. It wasn't until his teenage years when Forbes' father hired him a mentor to improve his survival skills and wielding of firearms. It did not occur to him why he did this, but he went along with it learning a variety of tricks and skills along the way. Forbes trained hard and learned the art for years onward until suddenly something life changing happened. His mother was murdered by his father in cold blood. This was not out of anger, but his motivation relied on a test of his son Forbes. As the next gunslinger in his family he must vow to kill his father with a weapon of his choice not including a firearm. He took a stick with a pointed rock at the end to make a spear and attacked his father head on. With tears welling in his eyes he plunged the edge of his weapon through the chest of his father, killing him on the spot. At his death, Forbes' father told him to check his shed. Upon inspecting the area of his father's workspace he found two finely crafted and custom made revolvers to signify a test passed. Since then Forbes has gone rogue and left behind what was left in his old town to travel the world and see what may be out there for him as the new gunslinger in his family. As the unforgiving apocalypse swept through the world, Forbes was no slowed down but jumped from place to place, hiding out in various areas on his journey into the unknown. He picked up on a trail of magic and spirituality which molded him into the person he is today. [b]Personality[/b]> Forbes could best be described in one word as an antihero. He lacks the moral ambiguity and idealism that is so praised by heroic culture. He does not display very much emotion unless he feels he needs to. Despite this, he has a developed (and quite dark) sense of humor that often comes off as dry. There is a certain bravery that Forbes obtains in order to maintain calm and collected within dangerous situations, and it's his gut driven will that has kept him independent throughout the world as it moved on. Generally he is laid back and friendly, but does not hesitate to take initiative. [b]Abilities and Skills[/b]> Expert marksman/gunslinger, agile & quick reactions, grit & calm thought process, and master navigation. [b]Weapons[/b]> Two double-action six shot [url=http://i.stack.imgur.com/vLvpE.jpg]revolvers[/url], large hunting [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SFYSvtMtBpk/hqdefault.jpg]knife[/url], enchanted [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/4c/46/eb/4c46ebd0411cd8b3f8a03d1a7a603639.jpg]relic[/url] (used to ward off spirits, demons and not succumb to temptation when activated). [b]Magic[/b]> Hypnotic Revolvers: Forbes does not harness any substantial magical ability, but what he obtains is mostly noted as a "skill". When spinning his revolvers around his fingers in a rapid manner, he may hypnotize the target in which watches him move the guns. This puts them in a deep trance (this way information can be extracted), or causes them to fall asleep. Flaming Dust: When blowing or tossing any form of sand or dust, Forbes may choose to have these particles give off a bright, dull yellow glow which burns any victim that the dirt lands upon. In some cases the friction caused has been known to create small flames that can be used for torture methods. [b]Alignment[/b]> Chaotic neutral. [b]Family or Friends[/b]> Steven - Father (deceased). Claire - Mother (deceased). Elsworth - Friend (unknown). Aubrey - Friend (unknown).[/hider]