[b][i]Johnny[/i][/b] "Thanks," Johnny said with a smile. He combed his hair back as he looked at himself in one of the many mirrors. He almost couldn't recognize himself with someone elses blood all over his face. "I don't know, maybe it's some kind of weapon. Maybe the north koreans figured out a new virus?" He didn't actually believe what he just said either, but he wasn't one for much logical thinking. "Yeah, what if they don't let us in?" Johnny took another swig of Jameson whiskey as he found a bar towel to wipe off his face. Before he could even think, he heard the kid screaming. He saw the crippled goul reaching out at the boy, and his instinct took him over. Johnny ran and shoved the kid out of the way, probably harder than he had intended. Then he began to stomp on the undead's head repeatedly until he cracked the skull. It fell face first in a puddle of brain matter and blood. "Okay, how many times do we have to keep killing these mother fuckers?" Johnny shouted, then turned over and helped the kid up. "Sorry, language. Listen, I don't know if they're dead or not, but they seem to stop once you kill the brain. That's my guess anyway." Johnny grabbed a pool stick and snapped it in half over his knee, then tossed one side to the kid. "Start stabbing all these bastards in their heads, we can't have any more surprises," Johnny ordered. He walked over to the nearest dead guy on the floor and stuck the sharp end of his pool stick deep into its eye socket. He then reached down and picked up the gun the kid had mentioned from the other infected guy. It was a glock 45, standard issue. He took the dead man's belt and holster and wrapped it around himself. [b][i] Ethan[/i][/b] Still no reception. The television wasn't working either, but the radio he saw in one of the garages might. He came back to the others with a backpack he found full of water and the radio. He plugged it in to the nearest socket and fiddled around with it. Ashley was calmed down a bit more now, lying on the couch. She was probably in shock. "Thank you," Ethan told the man that brought them in. He could still hear the runners pressing against the door they came in. He knew they couldn't stay here for long. "We'd probably be dead right now. I'm Ethan by the way, she's a student of mine. Her names Ashley. We were on a bus heading to the university when he got in a bad accident. Then...people started attacking other people...tearing them apart, you know? Something horrible is happening." After a few moments, the radio kicked on. "...are blocked off. Stay in your homes and barricade everything. The military is working on...." "Oh yeah, this'll be some clean up," Ethan said. "The military's going to have their hands full for a pretty long time. They might as well just...bomb the city." He realized as he said it, how true that could come to happen. He tried to put it away from his mind, at least for the time being. [b] [i]Dallen[/i][/b] The judicial building was on lockdown. No one to enter and no one to leave. Panic was errupting in the main lobby area, where a bunch of civilians, mostly just average joes that came in for jury duty, were screaming and yelling at the few officers trying to keep things under control. Dallen watched the chaos unfold from the second floor, though he knew this wasn't nearly as bad as it was outside. "I have a family to get to!" one lady yelled. "You can't keep us here!" "We have rights!" An officer pulled out a megaphone and spoke to them: "Please, calm down. This is for your own good. If you go outside, you will be attacked. We have to stay here until this blows over." "When's that!?" "How long!!" "Let us out!!" It was inevitable in Dallen's mind what was about to happen next. The only thing he could do right now was stay back and let it happen.