[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Hospital | Afternoon[/b] As Alexei dropped the subject on how exactly the rescuers of both himself and his sister, Kotori felt a slight bit of relief - which just made her feel a little guilty right afterwards, as he undoubtedly was wondering just what the mirror world was and would likely have dozens of questions. She'd been the same at the time - but trying to explain it when she didn't even know all that much herself nor whether it was a good idea to involve Elena left little for her to do but give wry half-smile of mixed guilt and gratitude. Looking back up, Kotori blinked in momentary surprise when she saw Alexei holding an apple out toward her - evidently one of the fruit basket on the bedside table. [color=green]"Eh?"[/color] she went at the gesture - only to blink at his words. However, before she could even voice any protests at the request to visit, Rui stepped in and diverted the attention away - not to much dismay of Kotori at that moment, as she didn't really know how to explain that it really was the others that Alexei should be thanking thusly, seeing as all she'd done was tag along and help them out if the need arose. Shifting position on the edge of Elena's hospital bed to allow the younger girl to see whom her brother was talking to instead of needlessly sitting in her line of sight - and because, with the immediate attention drawn from her, she felt the uncomfortableness that always seemed to accompany hospitals returning; leaving her a little restless. Rui meanwhile began talking; asking about the eventual discharge date which turned out to be later this day; or rather night apparently. Kotori left the talking to the two of them - at least until Alexei mentioned wanting a drink that the nurses had advised against. Just as she wondered whether to say something about following the doctor's orders, the door opened once again - this time revealing Akane to be another visitor. Kotori quickly gave a bow as she returned her classmate's greeting before sitting down once more; though moving some more again in case any of the other two visitors too wanted to take a seat. It was only when Akane then turned the conversation to Elena that Kotori realised she hadn't actually asked about the girl directly - instead, she'd just assumed that her condition would be the same as Alexei, given how she was showing as much enthusiastic cheer as she had back at the library. With a pang of guilt at the thought, Kotori glanced between the two siblings in waiting for an answer.