[b]Valentine[/b] The white wolf paused, lifting up her head to gaze at the sky for a brief moment before following her pack. They had been travelling for a long time, to the point where Valeriya felt like her legs were going to fall off. But the young wolf refused to ask for a rest. She was much too excited to be so close to their new home. So she kept her head up and pulled through, thinking about what she was going to do once they were at home. First, she would take a nice long nap in front of a fire then massage her feet before sleeping again. That sounded about right. At the first sound of Ambrosia's call, Valeriya couldn't help but let out a little yip of happiness. She wasn't ashamed to bounce around a bit, bright eyes observing her surroundings. Well, it wasn't bad for a bunch of old abandoned cabins. It certainly wasn't like the ratty city apartments she was used to. The wild landscape was a nice change and the fresh air was invigorating. Overall, Valeriya was quite content with the place her alphas had chosen for their new dwelling. She didn't wander around for too long, however, bounding back to the group to help with the unloading. She quickly shifted and pulled her jacket tighter around her body. The cold air nipped at any exposed skin, turning her usually pale skin into a bright pink. She sneezed, muttering a 'excuse me' before taking note of where everyone was. The first person that caught her eye was Myst, who was shuffling around as if she had caught a scent. Valeriya couldn't help but let herself smile freely - pups would always be her soft spot. Keeping one eye on Myst to make sure the pup didn't stray off by accident, she walked towards Niall and Adam to assist them.