Tryla way of getting to school was slightly...unorthodox. Instead of a car or a bus, she took a spaceship. Her parents had insisted on driving her to the school, and she wasn't about to say no. While other teenagers might find their parents annoying, she thought of her parents as total interstellar badasses. Who else could say that their parents were Star-Lord and Shadowcat? No one, that's who! Anyway, she chatted with her parents until they all finally reached the school. They hovered about ten feet above the ground, but didn't land. Tryla stood up from her chair and went to say her goodbyes to her parents. Her mom hugged her and then kissed her lightly on the forehead before saying, "Have fun sweetie. Remember to call us every week." before stepping back and letting Tryla's dad, Peter, say his goodbye. He ruffled Tryla's hair. "Good luck, kiddo. Don't get in too many fights...but don't get in too few either." Tryla hugged him before turning to leave. She then heard her Dad's voice coming from behind her saying, "We love ya kid." Tryla replied with, "Love you too guys," and with that, Tryla phased through the floor of the starship and ungracefully floated to the ground. She watched the ship fly away, and then turned toward the academy and walked inside the main building, suitcase rolling along behind her.