Listening intently, her words make nothing but sense. [i]I was looking forward to being led around on a leash in public... ah, well.[/i] Slightly disappointed at the lost opportunity, I let my mind consider other possibilities, and one pops to the surface quite quickly. "I understand. I think my excitement at the thought may have influenced my choice there. The only other thought that comes to mind quickly is something that I don't think you'll like the sound of at all..." I say, my voice escaping reluctantly as the words themselves. "It would be a fairly easy disguise for us to pull off if YOU were to play the act of my slave. Please hear me out? It would only ever have to be a disguise for places where we might get recognized, which we will be avoiding in the first place, so it will be an immensely infrequent occurrence. You would, of course, keep that shock collar controller hidden on your person." Pausing for a moment in my verbal mad dash I internally debate whether or not to bring this up. [i]But it would support my idea... but she probably hates my idea...[/i] "I saw that beat up old slave collar you wore. I honestly hate to even suggest to a former slave the idea that they should ACT as a slave, to a former enemy at that. But it's the most reliable disguise we could fall back to, in a pinch." Sadness tinges my voice as I speak the words, knowing entirely too well myself the depths of depravity slave owners tend to indulge in. Barely able to snap out of that unwanted and deep recollection, I add finally "And otherwise, we could literally just pose as smugglers, considering my ship's cloaking capacity, and your ability to alter peoples' memories if we bugger our act up badly enough."