He was still waiting for a few moments more while tricking on the corner when he saw one of the reasons he stool out here walked by. It was one of the cheerleaders who chose just then to heft her book bag up in front of her face as she passed him. [color=f7976a]~Feet pue tan!~[/color] He didn't say creole out loud as he didn't want is accent to be another thing to be made fun of but it helped when he took french freshman and junior year with Japanese in sophmore as well as this year. She was striking that familiar chord with him, but it must just be because of who she was, a cheerleader, Carbon-copy-cookie-cutter-clueless-clique. His moody brood vanished as the bus he recognized pulled up and Carol came down off the lift. As she came up to him, she turned herself around and he took the offer to push her by setting his board in her hands before taking the handles and pressing forward. [color=khaki]"Do you ever get tired of sitting out here day after day? Do you get breaks?"[/color] He lowered his head down to the side of her head and did his best overly dramatic voice. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm the hero this school deserves, but not the one it needs right now."[/color] He laughed and cleared his throat as he steered towards the school caffeteria for some late breakfast, maybe just a thing of Hashbrowns, he was feeling kind of light and deeded something heavy to weigh him down. [color=f7976a]"Hey Carol, not to sound weired, But I had a dram about -FIRE!"[/color] He pointed to the trash can licking with flames and looked around for the nearest fire extinguisher.