"...It would be a fairly easy disguise for us to pull off if YOU were to play the act of my slave," he said, seemingly reluctant to say the words. [i]So, this again,[/i] I thought. I sighed. Deep down, I had hoped Wolfe might have a better suggestion than the obvious. Wolfe was a servant of the Empire. He had papers and identification that would probably allow him to pass and enter most places without drawing a second glance. Even if I'd known it made the most sense. His pretending to be a slave would have cost of valuable resources and convenience. "Please hear me out?" he said before beginning to further explain his idea. Wolfe's hesitation to suggest the option showed my earlier behaviour had left an impression. I couldn't blame him, I'd taken it badly. Very badly. I'd mentally disciplined my heart against many things--but the possibility of slavery being made legal had not been one of them. "I saw that beat up old slave collar you wore..." there was sadness in his voice. Wolfe had been a slave, too. I couldn't shake the sense Wolfe's experiences as a slave had been far more unpleasant than my own. I had been lucky, all things considered. When he was done talking I calmly said: "You're right. It is the most reliable disguise. I can do it. It won't be the first time," I admitted. I learned back in my seat. I met Wolfe's eyes. I felt like I owed him something more. "You know... my time as a slave wasn't that bad. I was... prepared for it. I was not upset for my own sake, earlier. I'm sorry if I worried you. I won't let it be a problem again," I reassured him, and myself. The plan was not a poor one. But the real problem lay in the details. In passing, none would find the sight of a slave following their master out of place. But a discerning individual might wonder what a man in Wolfe's position needed with a slave. I tilted my head thoughtfully. "What kind of slave would you have me be, Wolfe? If we're going to do this right, we should keep things as consistent as possible. The fewer lies we have to make up on the spot, the better," I explained. It was one of many lessons Master had made sure I remembered. "We'll need a convincing reason for why you'll need a slave with you, anyway. And you should tell me how you would have been treating--or training--me, so I can adopt the proper demeanour," I added. There were other details, like where I had been "purchased" and when, but those were easy enough to make up.