[center][img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/baf3053caeb3c89199a03e5330b0c206/tumblr_myucfyaFfe1s5cy6ho1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Charlie%20Alexander&name=Sears%20Tower.ttf&size=75&style_color=00A6FF[/img][/center] [center][color=deepskyblue][h1]Obstacle Tower ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h1][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=deepskyblue]Charlie had just made it to the second to last platform when Hawley pulled the ring from the Trojan helmet. He shook his head, and with a grin he hauled himself up to the last platform. Still smiling, he patted the victorious son of Hermes on the back. "You cost me a ton of money, that I now have to go pay. But congrats," he said, before following Elena down to the bottom of the tower, where he was quickly mobbed by Hermes kids who were demanding their money. "Relax, relax. Greedy bastards, I just got beat up and you're all demanding your payments. Well here you all go. Ten bucks for Alex, twenty for Kyle, and fifteen for Logan," the brain child said, fishing cash out from his wallet. Having payed his debts, Charlie strolled over to where his older half-brother was standing, speaking with Syleste, Erin, Matthew, and Elena. He placed a shoulder on his Gabriel's shoulder, though since the other boy was much taller than Charlie, it looked a bit awkward. He liked the new addition to Cabin 7, although he hated his taste in music. But it was nice to see some fresh faces. Syleste and Matthew were fun as well, if not a little trippy. And then there was Erin, who's buttons he loved to push, though to be quite honest, who didn't? He spotted Eli sitting near them as well. Eli had been off since his memory was erased, but Charlie had tried his best to reconnect with the young demigod. But he just seemed distant. "Well that was a good time, although, I can't help feeling a little angry that I am now broke. Tip #59 to surviving Camp Half-Blood: Never make a bet with a Hermes kid. Cause chances are you'll lose," he said, grinning despite his supposed anger at being without a penny to his name. [/color]