[center]~|Day 2, 18:26-18:31|~ ~|Jayda and Khan, Prison Complex (Medical Bay)|~[/center] Khan winced visibly at the reaction his comments had prompted. It might have been reassuring under other circumstances to confirm that his insights about the Zabrak had been close to the mark, but it was clear by her reaction and the others’ that they had likely also hurt her and would probably get her in major trouble with her master to boot. There was still that strange mix of anxiety, pain and concern about her when she regarded him too, not that he was any closer to figuring out what it all meant even with his ability to detect the feelings in the first place. He had no idea what Nazca and the Zabrak’s brief exchange in the other language was about. To him it seemed like it might just be a continuation of what he assumed were insults from before, but the body language present just seemed to confuse things rather than clarify. The rest made much more sense to him, though. Revenge and need for strength weren’t just Sith concepts and more broadly understandable between warriors even if the Jedi rejected them, he supposed. But he still wanted to know more, well not just about Jayda but everything in general and there was at least one opening available to him. “So um, if we’re all done trading insults and planning and none of us are going to fight can we at least get lunch? I’m starving!” He looked back and forth between Nazca, Jayda and Koren, shifting his stance from one foot to the other to indicate as much curiosity and impatience as possible while still staying ready to fight. Jayda shook her head, amused some about the boy’s eagerness. Her body halted as she considered a moment, her stomach promptly seemed to agree with the boy when it rumbled softly. With all the healing she had been doing lately, she had increased her meal amount to help it along. Now, after the bastard’s little stunt she was now stuck down here where it was the least safest to be with her association among the Sith. Her eyes fell to the ground for a moment considering when Sish would actually get off his scaly ass and retrieve her, assuming it would be some time inconvenient. She knew she wouldn’t have much time to gain answers to her questions rattling in her thick skull as she inhaled, determined not to waste much more. “Well, I don’t know officially when they feed you but it will likely be at the same time every day. So you might have to wait a few minutes until then. However, I doubt the Darth would’ve went through all this trouble to raid the temple and collect you just to leave you to starve.” Jayda stated simply, her mind considering what to do and how to escape the camera’s glare. She had noticed the boy’s anxiety building causing her hearts to tense in pity at his stress, mentally cursing herself for being this attached since he was a child in her eyes. “I’m not sure how the system with padawans and masters work with Jedi, but with Sith the Lord or Apprentice usually decides if they want the apprentice and why they teach them. In Sish’s case… he chose me when I refused to let him get away with what he had done. I tracked him across the galaxy until…” She stopped, realizing how she nearly slipped in revealing she had killed a child because of the Lizard back on Tatooine. Swallowing the ice cold sensation creeping down her spine, she fell silent but her figure was filled with signals of pain and discomfort, flaring the signs like a lighthouse to the Echani boy. A fact she knew was true.