[center][h2][color=7bcdc8]Alley Behind the Bank[/color][/h2][/center] Chroma stopped moving forward when one of the mystery villains finally peeked around the road cover, aiming a gun at Chroma. The Ward didn't have the reaction speed to avoid a bullet but he didn't need to as Blackout slipped on the blue paint in the process of leaning out for a shot. He fired his gun when he hit the ground but the bullet hit the wall to Chroma's left, missing completely, before the gun bounced out of Blackout's hand and slid across the paint where it clattered to a stop against a car tire. Chroma was briefly ruffled but was quick to realize his safety wasn't compromised in the slightest. In fact he even recognized the person who tried to shoot him. As the upturned asphalt shifted to cover the recently fallen Blackout, who now had blue paint clinging to his lower right leg and his back, Chroma began laughing aloud. Almost maniacally, in fact, despite him actually being the hero in this situation. [color=662d91]"Was that [i]you[/i], Blackout? Infamous parahuman criminal, busted robbing a bank with a new parahuman buddy? And I thought I was going to be bored today!"[/color] he called out to the crew huddled behind the curled road. The blue paint that was floating above his hands shrunk infinitely until it vanished completely. [color=662d91]"I don't know who else you've got covering your ass over there, but the two of you are about to spend a [i]long[/i] time considering your life choices..."[/color] This time he began forming red paint in his hands. It took only a second or so to get to the size of basketballs again, prompting him to launch both blobs directly at their cover. It splattered across the majority of the surface sloppily, some even splashing past it. Everywhere the red paint landed immediately began sizzling, the paint slowly eroding through whatever was in contact with it. It was fairly slow; Chroma expected it would take ten to twenty seconds to corrode through their cover and leave Blackout and whoever else was with him exposed and completely vulnerable. While the red paint began burning away at the road, Chroma began forming one single, beach ball sized blob of green paint in the air next to him. [color=662d91]"Your show is coming to an end!"[/color] But Chroma didn't get to wait for their cover to be destroyed. Suddenly a sharp, incredible pain took hold of his head. So significant and unusual that Chroma completely dropped the blob of green paint, letting it splatter against the ground in front of his feet. After a brief wobble he regained his balance, but he brought a hand up to his head as he began to look around. [color=662d91][i]Someone is attacking my mind,[/i][/color] he realized, trying to scout around quickly to see where they could be. Clearly it was more than just two enemies here. The pain wasn't overly severe, but it was enough to make it difficult to focus. His gaze continued darting around the alley in all directions but he just couldn't find the source of his pain. While he kept his left hand against his head in a futile attempt to relieve some of the pain, his right hand was held to his side as a new blob of green paint began to form. He wasn't focused on Blackout's Crew at the moment but he certainly didn't forget about them. He continued scanning around for his attacker while he waited for the road to burn away and reveal the villains behind it, but he only glanced in that direction every few seconds rather than paid attention to what Blackout might be up to with his new friend(s).