[b]CIVILIZATION NAME[/b]: Killasumaq [b]CHARACTERISTIC 1[/b] [i]Industrious: Long have our people toiled, understanding that work is freedom. [+1 Labor Per Population] [/i] [b]CHARACTERISTIC 2[/b] [i]Populous: Our people will flourish, no matter the cost. [Population Growth costs -50%] [/i] [b]GOVERNMENT NAME[/b]: [i]Killasumaq Ishatakh Union(Communist Goverment)[/i] [b]HEAD OF STATE[/b] [i]Intlakth Mampachu[/i] [b]10 RANDOM CITIZEN NAMES (First & Last if Plausible)[/b]: -Aytac Ozdemir -Sertab Aybar -Canan Aybar -Ceylan Altıntop -Derya Şener -Kibra Ozturk -Kezban Altıntop -Mediha Yilmaz -Manko Kunak -Amaru Asto [b]HOMEWORLD[/b]: Inkasisa [b]SUBSEQUENT COLONIES[/b]: ([i]Requires [b]Spacefaring[/b] Characteristic[/b]) [b]CIVILIZATION DESCRIPTION[/b]: [hider=Killasumak Race] The Race of the planet Inkasisa is one that lives in a continental planet full of diversity in all ways , because of that the Killasumak have a humanoid complexure , the most common skil color is brown and their eyes are green or blue , the standart height is of 173 cm , they are much stronger than most and they can be wake more hours than a normal which makes them produce more in factories , also they have a high reproduction rate and it is not difficult for them to have a family of 10 if they desire . [/hider] [hider=Killasumak Civilization] The Killasumak Civilization started as many in caverns in their homeplanet , their progress was slow first but then faster and faster as many other civilizations , however the culture of the Killasumak Civilization became pretty much based on the community rather than the individual and when the industrial revolution happened in the planet it became pretty clear what path the whole civilization would take , something that is known as communism , it was not an utopia and the people had to suffer a lot , but after some time system reformed it was pretty obvious that communism alone would not solve all the problems of the planet , because of that the system was reformed and true communism was replaced with something more acceptable for the people where money existed and most could live in a standart quality of living , a lot of time after the planet united under one goverment that cares a lot about their people. In the goverment there are few elections and most offices are selected by a meritocracy system , the head of state is selected by a council of ministers and he has more power than president but less than a dictator. [/hider]