CIVILIZATION NAME: The Fioliun Empire CHARACTERISTIC 1 -- Adaptive: We are well adapted to survival in all corners of the galaxy. [May colonize ANY planet type]. CHARACTERISTIC 2 -- Wise: Our scientists are among the best, there is no doubt. [Laboratories generate +2 Science] GOVERNMENT NAME: The Council of Masterminds. (Headed by the Great Mastermind) 10 RANDOM CITIZEN NAMES (First & Last if Plausible): Tsachthuyug Maridr Kag'xuftha Haurathrilo Cxa'gothgoth Nerathren Nagl-fhta Fymrarlodgar Tru'quahtur Nen-ceblo Quahrathleng Pirairlril Dao'mglw Siauron El-tur Pindari Fthagc'thanac Cirolo Tharlagla Noryn Observant outsiders may notice that the Fioliuns first and last names are rather different. This is because while their first names are based on their native language while their surnames are based on a language associated with their religion which they took from another race that lived on their planet. Said race has now been integrated into the Empire although as a lower class unless an individual shows brilliance in which case they are elevated. The conquered race are called the Finyran. HOMEWORLD: Vellmar, a planet with differing climes although the predominant terrain is swamp so the Fioliuns' (and Finyrans') first challenges involved building shelters that were stable on such foundations. SUBSEQUENT COLONIES: None yet... CIVILIZATION DESCRIPTION: The Fioliuns are a race of beings who resemble large brains with tentacles. On their "face" is a beak and many eyes. These eyes are reptilian in appearance. Conquered by the Fioliuns are the Finyran. The Finyran are tall, slender humanoids with pointed ears and human-like appearances. Fioliuns live with the firm belief that the most intelligent individuals are the ones their gods intended to have power. As such, they are governed by a council of the most intelligent Fioliuns and Finyrans alive called the Council of Masterminds. The absolute smartest (that is also a competent leader) is dubbed the Great Mastermind and has more power than the others on the Council should said power be required. The parameters of required are left intentionally vague in their constitution so that the leader is essentially free to do as they please with a few parameters: No genocide, Limit experimentation to volunteers and criminals, Do not tax the people more than they can reasonably handle, Do not harm members of the Council unless have committed a core crime. A core crime is the breaking of a law that is listed in their constitution, leaders are free to make more laws if they wish. Furthermore, each time a new Great Mastermind is selected, they choose a new name based on whatever they wish and maintain a secret identity until death or retirement. A Great Mastermind leads until he/she cannot. Other than the Council, the most prestigious careers for the Fioliuns are those that require a large amount of education. Examples include but are not limited to engineers, scientists, doctors, scholars and professors. The Fioliuns greatly value learning among their people. In addition to the divide between the brightest and the rest, the Fioliuns also oppress to some degree the Finyran whom they conquered long ago. The Finyran often live in worse conditions and are lower-class. This is not due to a belief in Fioliun superiority as Great Masterminds have occasionally been Finyrans but due to the fact that the Finyran have yet to fully recover from the war. The Fioliuns, while they use many machines for normal purposes, simply love the field of bio-engineering. This includes creating warbeasts that can take on warmachines, bio-warfare, medicine and "enhancements" and living transports that can enter space and survive. Their military combines both organic and inorganic to fight their foes. Prisoners of war taken by the Fioliuns beware: if you are neither a valuable officer nor in possession of important information, you may end up in a lab....