[color=39b54a]"Quite a few, actually."[/color] He replied curtly to the newcomers question about his new fangled digs. [color=39b54a]"It's as uncomfortable as it looks. Really pinches the crotch, y'know?"[/color] It probably took an hour to get the whole thing on, but it was well worth it. The backup artificial atmosphere allowed him to resist the toughest weather conditions, and the innate, but hidden arcane circuit-board lead into a central power conduit placed behind the thick back-plates. The circuitry transmitted free energy to the core, providing him with more than enough power to last a single excursion. It was the payoff for being such an eccentric tinkerer and inventor. The help of of a few theoretical physicists also didn't hurt, of course. But Jett didn't need to know that. [color=39b54a]"You can call me Corban. Though Chibi Overlord is what friends know me as."[/color] It might have been then that Jett would notice a plush chibi Corban doll of himself. Closer inspection would reveal one of Faustus, one Julius, and perhaps all of those he'd come to know in his travels had pouches on his utility belt. He tugged at one before continuing. [color=39b54a]"I could make one for you, y'know? There's always space on the belt." [/color] Rumble rumble. His sword rattled in its sheathe, which hung off his left side without sash or belt, and Corban began having an argument with some unseen force before he redirected his attention to the man. [color=39b54a]"It would only be fair that you meet, Ishtalle. It would be rude of me to not introduce a lady, right?"[/color] He said with an almost sarcastic tone. Just as the last syllable left his lips, in a digitized harmony of physiology and technology, a woman appeared beside Corban from a marquee of floating data and techno-jargain. She curtsied like a princess proper before rising again. She stood just slightly shorter than the 5'10 man. [color=8882be][/color]