"You know... my time as a slave wasn't that bad. I was... prepared for it. I was not upset for my own sake, earlier. I'm sorry if I worried you. I won't let it be a problem again." She said, meeting my eyes sincerely. [i]I'm glad she's forgiven me for breaking the bad news to her.[/i] I was afraid I'd really given her quite a terrible shock. As she says that she'll need to adopt the proper demeanor, I can't help but grin just a little bit. [i]What kind of slave? This should be interesting.[/i] With only a small tinge of humor in my voice, still a bit dimmed by my recollection of my past, I say pleasantly "Well, you would most likely have to play the role of my pleasure slave. With your build, and clear interest in me, it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. And it would barely be a lie, excluding the part about you being a slave. And about acquiring you, an easy story would be that I captured and trained you myself. The duality of our interactions should be quite interesting, wouldn't you say?" The sly grin Aayla often manages to drag out of me shows through finally.