[h3][center][color=9db0ee]Vince Bank Interior[/color][/center][/h3] The girl's gaze drifting over Vince's body didn't go unnoticed, but he ignored it. If he called everyone out who glanced at the 'tattoos' he wouldn't get anywhere in conversations. He looked visibly annoyed at her bubbly nature. He reached up and adjusted his glasses,subtly pressing a button to start a search on a database of known capes or general criminals. Meanwhile he used his sixth sense of sorts to examine the heat she was radiating. This small ability allowed him to cold read (no pun intended), and normally guess someone's mood. However doing so generally gave him quite vague results, though in this situation he knew she was happy. Her body temperature said so, and it seemed to be genuine. Though she could also fool that test with the right power; if she had one that is. Always better to be safe then sorry. [b][color=5db0ee]"Petty? How is the bank robbery petty?"[/color][/b] Vince asked suddenly, realizing what she had said, [color=5db0ee][b]"Also you do realize I am a Ward right? I expect the kind of honesty you would provide to a police officer"[/b][/color] His voice carried authority, but wasn't demeaning. Vince again glanced over the bank, but made it clear he was still expecting an answer. The conversation wasn't over quite yet, but he had to make sure no threats were in the area, besides this strangely happy girl. Vince's emotions were a bit stronger this time, but only slightly. It was a mix of confusion, paranoia, and a bit of excitement. He seemed a bit more lively, but he also was ready to finish the job ASAP. He had homework. [center][color=yellow][h3]Blackout Bank Alley[/h3][/color][/center] It hurt. Not Blackout's butt or head, but his pride. It was thoroughly bruised by the stunt that had just occurred. Before he could explain why he had fallen, thoughts seemed to invade his mind. He could tell they weren't his thoughts, because they were too clear. Too. . . Simple. Blackout never thought like that. Dwelling on the situation didn't seem like the right idea, but after this stunt, Blackout was thoroughly finished with fighting, and he quickly formulated a plan. [b][color=335ef9]"Run,"[/color][/b] Blackout said, glancing back at his two compadres quickly, noticing that Serephina had thoroughly dissipated. Always creepy thing, that. Dealing with Strangers left an odd, unsettling sensation in the pit of his stomach. After the third count, as the invading voice had suggested, he ran at a diagonal angle towards the end of the wall. Before he touched the paint he thrust his foot forward, planning to slide on his back into range of Chroma. From what he had gathered after slipping on the paint, he could most likely keep his momentum for long enough to get in range of Chroma before Chroma attacked him. As he slid he picked up his gun from off the paint, where it had fallen. If he did slide within range without a counter offensive measure taking place, he would activate his power to disable Chroma's paint telekinesis. Afterwards he would say [b][color=335ef9]"Bye,"[/color][/b] to confuse Chroma. Chroma would be unable to understand the words, and then if he kept thinking about it he would start panicking. If Blackout was instead struck by the green paint, the weight of it would send him sprawling away from Chroma, though because of the angle Blackout was sliding at, it was highly unlikely that enough of the paint would hit Blackout to completely stop him from escaping. Because of this, Blackout would flee directly after getting off the blue paint.