[quote=@Absolis] [@Saint Girralo] *bang* You're dead [hider]   _,.へ、_ _,....,_,./^L    ) ___ ゝ'-─'─- 、i、   く  γ´:::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ!   ケヒー   iヽ,'::,'::::::/::::::::ハ::::i-=iニ',   |::::L!::::L!:ゝ、イ レi,.イハ::」    ∧ ☆   .|::::|ヘ(Eイ〈ヒ_,!  ヒ,}〉iヨイ   /  ',   .|::::|::レヽ!、"   ∀ "ノ.i::|   / r´i   .|::::|::::|::|Vi >r-r=i´レiノ   / r' /   |::||:::::γヽ!_ `'ハイiヽv__  ,〈 ,r'´/   レヘハ,〈γ(・ヽ, ム !/^ /rつi>、/      k.iゝ・)ノ_____,」、__ゝ(_ノ       /  ̄7 ̄`! ヘ     ,く / /   ! .ハ      ヽニr=-r_,r-=rニゝ        '--'  '--' Oh wait, it's a knife *stab*[/hider] Are you sure? Kokonoe is about the only administrative character. And the smartest one in the resistance. Why do you think the med bay is so close? *laughs creepy while backing into the shadows* [/quote] And MC comes in and ruins her fun by casting life novas over and over so everyone can run away before the needles come out. xD