These people were delusional. But they were not wrong. Alicia's anger was replaced with pity. And almost maniacal laughter. [b]"I apologize. I took you for pretenders and thugs. You are clearly none of these. But you are, in fact, really fucking stupid."[/b] The thought of these people actually fighting an actual demon, not a demonic pest, was just so comical. [b]"Without a doubt you can be called hunters. But demon hunters? What you are fighting are nothing more than demonic rats, and maybe an occasional orc."[/b] These men clearly had no idea just how much an actual demon would outclass them. [b]"I was able to casually walk up to you and grab your hand. If I was an actual demon, you all would already dead. A demon would not grab your hand, he would rip it off and before you even had the chance to feel the arm being ripped it he would chop off your head."[/b] Alicia touched his forehead with her armored finger. [b]"You may be good people, but that's not what the Stormbringers were meant to be. They were meant to be the best fighting force Valeria could offer, to take back our kingdom. In those ten long years, I've seen little of that part."[/b] Paying for her drink and sitting down, she turns around, with the mug in her hand. [b]"My offer still stands by the way. Your chances of survival could increase dramatically with actual military training. Besides, I haven't caved in a demon's skull in a while."[/b] At this point, Alicia could at least read people who fought for a living. Their posture, their behavior, all the little things. Alicia rarely entertained the thought of actually trying to teach rabble how to fight properly, but these guys seemed like they could potentially be whipped into shape. [b]"I assure you, in your current shape, I could take on all of you at the same time and defeat you without even breaking a sweat. And I assure you, I've heard about demons that would end me faster than I could blink. And those weren't even close to the top of the demonic hierarchy."[/b] she started staring and measuring up each and every Stormbringer. [b]"But demons usually lack any sort of finesse or tactics. They rely on brute force to overpower us. And they have a lot of that."[/b] Alicia paused, gulping the entire contents of the mug in one go. [b]"With the right training, a strict chain of command and proper discipline, the Stormbringers could maybe even start making a difference. But all I FUCKING SEE is amateurs flailing their weapons wildly and hoping for the best. As you can notice, it really, REALLY pisses me off."[/b] She slammed the mug back on the table violently. [b]"So instead of terrorizing the local female populace, you could strive to be more than just peasants with sword."[/b] Alicia stood up and walked up to the group of Stormbringers again. [b]"There are many instances, however, of peasants rising to greatness. It's not your birth that defines you, but your actions. So, are you content being demonic pest control, and do you actually to stand a chance against a demon who can fight back?"[/b]