I suppose I can post an overview. So, here is how economy is set up: We will start with the Industrial Credits flat production. This involves no RNG (Random Number Generation) unless you are a capitalist society. Note that before we begin, the rules of rounding are mathematical (x ≥ .5 round up, x < .5 round down), and when directed, should be used to find the nearest integer. There are 3 basic Provincial Effects that will determine your income. You begin with a default for all provinces, which the GM determines as a global stat. We will say this number is 5 Industrial Credits, and that we are determining the income of the province Providace. The first effect is [Civil Unrest I-V]. This is essentially how unsatisfied your people are. Decreases base income by 1-5. Then [Densely Populated I-V]. Self explanatory. Increases base income by 1-5. [Martial Law], which is essentially a State of Emergency, reduces income by 3. Capitalism is complicated, so I am skipping. You can have negative income, and get into debt. That gives you a base Industrial Credits. Then, you get resources. Each province gets six Resource Units. 3 of Resource I, 2 of Resource II, and 1 of Resource III. I am still tweaking the effects, but exhaustion and bounty affect the production. You can also expend resources for effects. RNG determines the global demand for a resource, and then the world supply is determined, and then the worth of each each resource credit is determined by a fraction of the two, and finally "sold" for Industrial Credits. Each turn, your nation decides how to spend everything. Firstly, you will decide on what to tax, and what the public keeps. Then, you decide how to spend tax revenue. I will get to that later.