[center][color=yellow][h3]Regus Okay Bank Alley[/h3][/color][/center] Several things happened all rather close together. His normal thoughts were interrupted by rather strict and short mental instructions, red paint splashed into the barricade, some of it even blasting over and melting the ground near him, Blackout hurtled himself along the slippery paint towards Chroma, who was now searching for some sort of new threat after reeling briefly. Well, as glad as Regus was that Blackout had decided they should bail, he couldn't very well leave Blackout on his own. So he tore off a section of the road that was untouched by the dissolving red paint, about the size of a homebase plate, and hurled it at Chroma like some sort of oversized frisbee. It flew surpsingly well for a hunk of asphalt, though that would be in part due to its slighter lighter than normal state. Of course it would still be very painful if it collided with Chroma's stomach, as its current path would lead it to. Immediately afterwards Regus turned around and ran for all he was worth, practically melting through the wall behind him and running through the thankfully empty building. After doing the same thing and leaving several more human shaped holes that looked like they were straight out of a cartoon, Regus emerged onto another street... And found the van from earlier waiting for him. At first he was very confused until he remembered that the Boss had said he had a precog in the letter. Freaky things precogs. Still it was his ride out of here so Regus hopped into the van and waited for whatever came next, keeping an eye out in case any more wards managed to find them