[center][i][h2][color=D87093] The Only One Left on the Other Side of the Wall [/color][/h2][/i][/center] Serephina whipped her head around in confusion as she watched Blackout attempt some sort of Matrix escape method and Regus throw a piece of asphalt at Chroma and then proceed to run away in the direction of the van. Her invisibility activated, she realized that she could do anything she wanted right now. She hadn't done anything to help yet so maybe this was her chance. Hurling herself over the wall, trying to be as quiet as possible, she hurled towards Chroma wielding her knife ready to land her knife squarely in his ribs. Internally she tried to decide if she wanted to stick around or not. She could just grab a bag of money and take off. . . or she could stay and help Blackout some more. He did look like he would need all the help he could get. He seemed to be very scatter brained and distracted most of the time. He had good ideas it was just that he had no conception of how to carry them out effectively. Regus on the other hand, that guy needed nothing from no one ever. He knew what he was doing and knew exactly what he had to do to get what he wanted. She assumed he was only here because he knew he would get something out of it. He seemed like he had always been a loner and always would be one. Maybe she would pair up with him later on; he seemed like more her style and they might work well together. [color=D87093][i] Come on Serephina, make yourself useful. Then you can grab some money and take off. [/i][/color] she thought to herself as she got within feet of Chroma. He would never knew what hit him.