The battlemage was sitting there contemplating why he was there when suddenly from the distance he could hear the faint sound of music... [hider=Music in the distance] [url][/url] [/hider] The music was getting closer when he could see a girl take shape walking very casually towards him while bobbing her head slightly up and down to the beat. She was wearing what came to be her standard brown jacket over her black dress shirt, loose red tie lazily fixed around her neck, black miniskirt to match her shirt, and a brown belt to match her jacket which concealed the gun holster underneath it keeping her pot-shot-o'matic within reach. On her belt was a katana in its black sheath connected to the belt, the katana looked like nothing special and whatever secrets it held was being concealed by the sheath and whatever material it was made out of. Her footwear seemed to resemble red sneakers as she finally stops and looks up at him above the water. She raises her right hand, which on the backside resides a Rune of an Eclipse etched on her skin, up to remove one of the earphones in her ear and spits out a wad of spearmint gum she had been chewing on her walk. Her long red hair kept up in a pony tail still seems to sway with the beat of the music as it seems she just can't help herself to those sweet grooves. It was time to get serious though and she knew it, it was weird getting a call from an anonymous person wanting her to enter a tournament. The anonymous part was par for the course but never was she ever asked to join some weird tourney. The voice on the phone sounded like some corporate yuppie so whatever as long as they paid up what she asked for in return. Scanning this humanoid with her green eyes though he did seem rather odd. The mask on his face was white and seemed to have leaves or some crap coming off of it. Targets with masks are weird as you never know what you get with them unless its a luchadore mask, then you know exactly what to expect! " here for the thing? Me to, don't care for a name I think I will nick name you...." She puts her right finger to her lips for a second as she is thinking of something to call this odd looking person before her. "How about 'Salad', no...Screw it you're 'Josh' okay. I'm Uzuki, nice to meet you." She gives off a half smile as she is still on the ground by the waters edge and him above it. She knew that this had to start somehow and she might as well test a few things out. Around her body the air itself seemed like it was beginning to glow green as she began to cast a spell using her master magic materia. The materia was a stone that housed the knowledge of the ancients and the magic they had used and with it one could cast various magics, in this case it was a simple fire spell. The green glow around her was a pretty obvious hint at what was going on and if that wasn't a dead give away then the sudden heat in the area of her opponent would be another. The spell itself was pretty focused and all he would have to do was to move from that spot as the area he was in currently would erupt into a magical blaze of fire shortly. It was a test shot to break the ice and to see what he would do or preferably could do. Uzuki had come ready with her sword by her side, the minerva band under her shirt with its equipped materia, and the pot-shot-o-matic in its holster.