"Well, you would most likely have to play the role of my pleasure slave," he said pleasantly. [i]A Twi'lek pleasure slave, how very original,[/i] I thought dryly. I was entirely unsurprised by the suggestion, especially considering Wolfe's taste in decor. "With your build, and clear interest in me, it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. And it would barely be a lie, excluding the part about you being a slave," he continued. I was tempted to challenge his suggestion I had a "clear" interest in him, but at this point there was no point denying I found Wolfe attractive. I suspected he was needling me for fun, since otherwise it would be the pot calling the kettle black. [i]And what does "it would barely be a lie" mean?[/i] I wondered. It seemed a bit of a stretch to suggest a single night together would be a close approximation to an ongoing master-slave relationship. Not unless... [i]Uh oh.[/i] "And about acquiring you, an easy story would be that I captured and trained you myself. The duality of our interactions should be quite interesting, wouldn't you say?" he said, grinning slyly. [i]He didn't notice,[/i] I realized, now almost certain I'd been operating under a dangerous assumption since the morning. I'd made it almost without thinking it... It hadn't occurred to me the truth might have escaped Wolfe's attention. [i]This will be interesting...[/i] I thought. I decided to set the matter aside for now. "You wouldn't have to have captured me," I informed him, shifting my thoughts back to the task at hand. "We could just as easily say you bought me. It's a common circumstance. Depending on how long we're going to pretend you've had me, you could have easily have bought me right after my parents sold me. That would give you... 8 years to train me?" I thought aloud, trying to remember how long it had been. "Though it needn't have been that long ago," I added, not sure how long Wolfe had been free himself. "You could say my first master got bored of me and traded me to slavers to make room for something new. Or that I was a bit too rebellious for his tastes," I added. Not all slave owners enjoyed breaking their slaves. For many a pre-broken slave was a much desired luxury. Anything else was too much of a hassle. "You could have gotten me from slavers on some back water world. Unspoiled even... Quite the bargain," I said a bit jokingly, though it wasn't far from reality. Had my first master tired of my dance routines--ones I had quickly learned to improvise to keep things new and interesting--I'd have ended up on the market. I'd come into my looks by then... There would have been little chance I wouldn't end up a pleasure slave. "Though if you're attached to the capture idea, it could work, too." I amended. There was an appeal in catching and taming your own slave, to some. If that was the narrative Wolfe felt easiest adopting, I could play along. "In that case we could say you grabbed me off Ryloth... Or after I escaped a former owner." I shrug, letting him know either scenario worked for me. Either way I played the role of a slave who already knew her place, and apparently liked it. How much resistance I would have put up in the beginning wouldn't change much, unless we pretended I'd been caught recently.