[hider= Fight! In the name of the GLORIOUS LEADER] [YouTube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fus74mPBzJY[/YouTube] This song just got stuck in my head XD. We will put up a fight my felllow rebels, we will win! The so called GLORIOUS LEADER will not win! Fight! Or be taken out alive (Totally hacking the surveillance systems again, debating on whether to stick this song here followed bya lil' note from us rebels or if that would get them too hyped up for battle. While they're distracted trying stop the hacking of their surveillance systems you should have time to stage your next move, just be careful, they may be more powerful and knowledgeable than we imagine, to not be tracked I will hide put in a random place and do a hack and run, leaving the laptop behind to track. Luckily this computer belongs to a man whom died in the burnings, yes I was respectable enough to mourn him but we must look forward to a better future! [/hider]