[quote=@Lugubrious] You're telling us we should make up our own stuff? None of us have the knowledge of this world that you do. To what lengths are we allowed to go to create things? Are we allowed to make towns? NPCs? Encounters with demons? I suspect we've congregated around you because we can't really interact otherwise, and we don't know what we can do on our own. Also, you have neither commented on or added to the 'codex' any of the new demons I've made. [/quote] Sorry this is still a work in progress. I'm in the middle of creating an 'atlas' for lack of a better word on the original post of all the towns and regions in Valeria and a rough description of what they're like past that I don't have a problem with people adding their own spin to places in the world. As long as nothing is too out their making up you're own stuff should be alright. The Codex is there precisely so that you can create you're own encounters without me having to dictate the actions and behaviours of all the demons. Though if anyone wants me to do that for an encounter I'd be more than happy to. With regards to your demons a couple need to be modified and one or two scrapped altogether and I haven't had the time to go through them all as of yet. I'll get around to it just give me time.