Had Oliver not been convinced that he was insane, he would've smiled at the fact that Carol had remembered him. But alas, he [i]was[/i] convinced that he was losing his mind. He must be, people didn't just randomly have telekinetic force explode from their school, did they? Furthermore, why could he hear voices? That was a sign of insanity if he had ever seen one. He walked towards the cafe and sat down, ordering a Dr. Pepper. Coffee was too fickle for him, he had to have just the right amount of sugar (no cream, cream is for the weak.) or it would be disgusting. It was more work than he was willing to put into a beverage at the given time. So he cracked open his overpriced can of the sweet cola and began drinking. The caffeine helped his headache a bit, but at the same time, the whispers started coming back. He tried to ignore them at first, but they kept on getting louder. [i]Shut up, shut up, shut up![/i] his mind seemed to be moving faster than he could keep track of. Then he thought of a tactic he used to focus on homework. [i]Single out one thing, focus on whatever that one thing may be.[/i] That was what his mother had told him anyways. He picked out one voice from the crowd in his mind and concentrated. It sounded like someone doing mental math. He looked around and saw a boy about ten feet to his right doing some math homework in a booth. [i]I can read minds?[/i] He then thought hard on silencing the boy's "voice", and it did. His breath was ragged and his face was pale from th effort, the can shook in his hands. Several people in the cafe were staring intently at him. [i]Great.[/i]