His dash backwards sent him stumbling down over the fallen bandit that he had headbutted. He felt the wind get knocked from his chest, and rolled to get to his feet quickly. The bigger bandit hadn't moved to attack, nor had the one with the quarterstaff, their attention was on the new arrivals. Before he could even call out a warning to the one with the ax, he cringed as the lightning coursed through the bandits body. That was more then a stunning effect, that was meant to maim if not kill. As he was brushed off Zander had two options in front of him, one of which was slaughtered when he heard Amuné's cry. His option was to check on the girl and turn the bandits onto those in the tailored suits. Before he could even move again; however, he felt like he had been slapped. The moorcat had carried Amuné on its back and unto the deck of the ship. His staff lay in the bush, forgotten in their haste, and Zander now had a reason to dislike the girl and the beast. Seething on the inside he turned his attention to his own predicament. Turn the bandits on the suits, or turn on his heel and leave. The young girls actions had in a sense broken the Healer's Oath in a sense. He was left to fend for himself. Oh he would use that if they got out of this intact. Nymira seemed to be the most sensibly to such things, he would prey on her sense of honor. Shaking the thoughts from his head, and staring at the other three with the Demacite Armament, Zander froze. They weren't church members, he would have been slain on the spot just to clear his family's name. No, these were either resistant members, or rogues looking to make a profit off lesser foes. "What did you plunder fully," Zander asked the bandit gasping for air at his feet. "Food, cloth and if I had to guess by those four, Demacite as well. Resistant Members against the Church come to rain fire upon your worthless skulls. Fools, the lot of you. Your Magi might have stood a chance against our small group, but against four with Demacite Armament... No. Tis true folly, as a Healer I shall pray for your safe passages to the Saints Nine." The bigger bandit had heard the last of the statement and smirked, "She be enough to take down de four here. OI! Matey's ignore the young'ns take down da fancy!" The expression on his face was priceless when he heard little uproar in return to his mighty call of force. Rage gleamed in his eyes as he turned to look at Zander. "Ya worthless whoresons! I 'member this for days ta come!" Turning to the bandit with the quarterstaff and the one with the bow, he nodded. The three took off unto the boat, not even looking back to see if anyone followed. Zander sighed in disgust, "Thieves of no honor are worthless then the air they breath unto the lands and seas." Looking at the three still outside the boat, Zander clasped his hands before him as if in a prayer and bowed low. The bandit at his feet kept gasping for air through his bloodied nose cavity and Zander let out a breath. "You're lucky I know that your lot has stayed at Olga's Inn..." standing up from his bow he addressed the last of those with the Demacite. "Lo friend of no party here. Friends I have upon the boat, to get the Peddler Lazlo's silks and such from this ship. They should not attack, if you do no harm to them." Turning his back to them and placing a Seal Paper to his chest, a very minor elemental ward, it would lessen any damage to him if they struck and would probably drain him of the rest of his magic. Caution would be the better part of valor this day. Kneeling to the right side of the bandit he had struck he scoweled. "Olga would scold you and your captain for not getting further away," he scolded. "Daft pirates you lot are.."