Well, we can't make it too easy - Better to get into some struggles and scraps - Else what's the point of bringing them together? I just need to know what we're dealing with, here: Obviously, these are well-trained and well-equipped soldiers. And they popped some kind of building out of the ground like a gopher. But are these guys mooks? An advance group of scouts? Are they combat veterans? Or are they newer troops? What are they armed with? Could an ex-legionnaire with five years of additional solo combat experience take on a squad of them? Or are they all at about an equal experience level as Hudson is? If this "Zion Squad" is coming after the raiders, and the goal of Hudson is to escape, I'd like to throw him right in the middle of that kind of firefight, and for him to barely get out, possibly taking a couple of the soldiers and a few of the raiders with him. This would let him get the word to The Empire that a group is coming, and gives him a reason to investigate The Enclave further to figure out who was shooting at him. The raiders, well, it's just what raiders do. He wouldn't really give it a second thought, and would probably not worry about the fact that they were shooting at him, other than the immediate danger. Thoughts?