Unlike the rest of the Keyblade warriors, Seth had never heard of the Land of Dragons. It seemed that the place accepted the Keyblade warriors, but since the war they might hate them or just stay away from them. All this was word of mouth from the other warriors. Seth walked over to the cupboard and opened it. He reached in and took out the travel mug and sipped the pumpkin spice coffee. "Perfect,” Seth said. [i]You know they might be there[/i] the Voice said. Seth sighed and added, “I know, and I’m ready to face them. I still need to find out who sent that man to destroy the Orphanage and why he did it.” I[i] highly doubt they’ll sit down for a cup of coffee and answer all the questions[/i] the voice explained. "I know,” Seth said as he took another sip of coffee and added, “Then I’ll force the answer out of them.” [i]That’s what I was hoping you’d say[/i] the voice chuckled. Seth took a deep breath and stepped through the gate. When he reached the other side he quickly ran towards a bush and vomited his breakfast and little coffee he had into the bush. He shivered and said, “Not so tasty the second time around.” [i]Get used to it[/i] the voice laughed.